    Aside from killing oneself, how does one escape the world?

    +8  Views: 1507 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    The best way I ever found for myself was to get lost in a good novel and live vicariously through others. It's sort of like sending my mind on a long over due vacation. ;)

    Well that is good too Colleen love to read good books but being that right now still moving stuff, working and home and that's all I have time for I promise I do not want to live vicariously through those at work. I never ever want to be that type person ever like they are. In all my years at work I have never seen such as it is now and too late to try to escape I have to work so I try to ignore them and try my very best to not let them know they get to me in a bad horrible way. You just do not know how very very much a relief it is when I can run out the door at the end of the day.
    Medidate, playing soft music in Background, like "Make the world go away" It works wonders.

    Thanks Ann I appreciate everyone's concern, care and answers at least it shows you guys care.....
    As my wife told me whaen I was going through a bad time. "I will stand by you and help you but I will not sit here and watch you feel sorry for yourself, get up off your arse and do something positive."

    Fairly shook me back to reality.

    I have been grumping around this AM. I read your wife's answer to you and it "fairly shook ME back to reality."

    As soon as I finish this thread I'm getting up off MY arse and do something. Thanks PEOPLELOVER.
    Become part of it. Your here, and contribute to others issues. Why escape? Join the crowd.

    Hey ed my friend, I do try to contribute but hopefully in good ways. And some crowds I do not wish to join.
    ed shank

    Your contributions are admirable, weed out the bad and hang with the good. Other options are scary. Smile awhile.
    Change your attitude, and it will change the way you perceive the world.

    I am trying hard and praying hard for God to help me too honestly I is just so hard because I feel like I work with a bunch of bullies.

    Don't allow your co-workers to intimidate you or make you feel bad about yourself. You know your true worth. Don't forget what that is. :-)
    Cig a cup of coffee and the wind and sun on my face and the sounds of squirrles and birds playing in the tree... Awww me time.

    no cigs for me. the rest sounds wonderful

    ya Iam trying to kick them.. now I am only smoking in the pm.. Down to 4 a day... I am getting there.

    Congrats on the not smoking thing. I've started again since my trip and need to stop again. Good for you though.


    Thank you Jenn but I am hoping and praying you give up the cigs though......

    THANK YOU Darci.. I need all the prayers I can get. (((( HUGS ))))

    Maybe you are feeling low and suffering depression,it wouldn't hurt to have a talk to a phsycoligist.Try and not dwell on the negatives and look at the positives in your life.We all get the blues from time to time,just got to take the good with the bad.


    Thanks phython you are right .....
    Sleep, hot tubs, massages, fishing, video games, movies, books, vacations, reading the Bible/praying, laying on the beach having a few drinks, going to the mountains and staying in a cabin, swimming, and possibly taking a muscle relaxer.

    whoa yeah!

    I miss going to the Chiropractor and getting the whole back massage as well as the electronic stim, with ice or heat, depends on how you feel. I used to come out of that place like a a jello mold of my previous self. Lol.
    nice boat ride on the ocean , till the fog lifts..

    I wish daren.....I wish....

    my nephew owns a sailboat right near the charles river in boston ,we'll be going out hopefully this month.

    Daren hope you have a wonderful time....
    Get to that Beach listen to the waves lay back and its my Heaven
    TV works for me ... My favorite show is office, but I don't think that's any help. How bout 6 feet Under. Lots of Dead people there.
    The very best way? Go to A concert. Go to Los Vegas. Go for a hike. Dance. Sing. Go to the zoo.
    Raise chickens, Cook something exotic.
    I don't think there any remedy for feeling this way,But threw it all someday you will wake up in brand new way,and what a day it will be, well celebrate there wont be any more sorrow tear nor worry anymore,now do you feel better?DARCI,WE ALL LOVE YOU.

    Thank you very much facebook I sure am glad someone loves me besides my cats. Thank you and yes one day there will be no more tears nor sorrow.

    Got yah !TU We all love,hang in there,it wont be long.LOL.
    You are mentioning the word bullies a lot,if this is what is upsetting you in your work you do not have to tolerate this kind of behaviour.Tell your manager you feel threatened,intimidated and it is causing problems for you.Here in Australia the bullying is getting out of hand in our schools,and the authorities are craking down on it .Big time.

    Same here--in the States. Bullying is more mean and more verbally and physically abusive. Schools are writing up new policies about it and are teaching kids how to deal with bullies and how to watch them adn report any abberant behavior. I think kids learn it from the movies and horrible TV that don't have much guidance in the home.

    Well these bullies are all over the age of 50 years old I mean geezzzz you would think they would have a conscience or somthing but I guess not.
    By being busy ----like helping other people

    well I do visit this 97 year old lady in the nursing home she is sharp as a tack and a very nice lady so I do that and take her things all along too. Also I have signed up and hope Amelia passes the tests of Hands and Paws Organization it is one that usually uses dogs but they accept cats too and they go out and visit nursing homes children in the hospital, etc so that they can have interaction with the pets. Today I got a real treat I went to see Miss Daisy at the nursing home and today was the day that Hands and Paws visited with the dogs. Very very enjoyable and I got to see firsthand and also talk to some of the people. The next orientation and class for this is in Sept. so pray that Amelia makes the grade as I hope to join this organization and do this volunteer also.
    Do things you never done before, even sleeping on the other side of the bed and getting up on the other side can make you feel different.
    Drive a new way to work.
    Talk to people you never talked to before, if the bullies start in just smile and walk away.

    Thank you Randy I will try that thank you my friend.....
    By a space rocket.

    wheeeeeeeeeee!! There you go, Darci. I'll just stay earth bound tending my chickens,

    Hey itsmee you have chickens? That is great sure would like to have some fresh eggs......

    how `bout some fresh fried chicken?????

    I have been in a similar situation.  It got to the point where I would drive to work, park my car and just sit... dreading actually going in.  I was being bullied and it was a horrible experience.  I went to school on my days off.  I basically graduated 5 weeks before my son was born.  I would have never become pregnant if I had stayed at that job.  I don't make nearly as much money as I did before but I have a beautiful boy and I am making a living on my own terms.

    I wish you all the best and pray that things turn around for you.


    Thank you very much for understanding. There are bullies that are older people not just kids and they do it just for the pure meanness of it. I guess I do not understand that, sure like everyone I get angry about stuff, but I do not try to do anyone any harm nor just try to make their lives miserable. I am so sorry you had to go through that but glad you made it through hope I do.

    Darci ~ I'm sorry about the bullies. I hate bully people. Bosses are sometimes the worst kind of bully. They have you pinned and there's not a thing you can do but survive it. I'm going to ask a question up top and see if there are any answers.

    You will Darci,im, sure,we need people like you,to keep the world ticking over,and the keep the bullies and thoughtless at bay,
    Take up meditation.
    Thank you Colleen But I truly do not feel like reading and had enough of "people" at work today. But thanks always good to hear from you.....

    what did a people do?

    Hope you feel better after a good rest.

    Me too 6dogs4us I always enjoy your questions, answers and comments you sound like a very good person.
    Yes python there are bullies even ones in their 50's but I have been working at the same company for over 35 years I have tried talking to the bosses we have now it does not do any good and I cannot afford in this late stage of my working career being my only income afford to lose my job. So I have tried what I can and do not know any other alternative because if you go over their head they just fire you and I cannot take that chance. Thank you for caring though I do appreciate that I do.

    Darcy, Bullies are very insecure frustrated people. They bullie other people to make themselves feel better. Try to ignore them. They might stop and find someone else to pick on.

    Well do not know how to play the guitar and do not have one and I can assure you no one would want to hear my singing LOL but writing I do some things that I have just keep on my own.



    Best way with bullies is STAND UP TO THEM!  Most of them will back down because they are gutless wonders anyway.If one of them puts a hand on you,SUE THE BASTARD!

    Agood way to escape the world.This is it! akaQA! It works for me.


    Good nite Tommy love ya pal........

    We sometimes escape all to soon,leaving things not always finished,

    I think I have meditate too much on what is going on feel like time to give up now.....

    drink,drink,then sleep.....

    Don't drink too much cuz you might wet the bed - When I say "you" I mean everyone not just one person. K?

    there is THE LOVE OF GOD and love for GOD

    Adding herbs to ur food can help ?? iski

    Take a trip into outer space.


    Well thanks but guess not.

    Well, 2 years have passed since this question was asked, and wonder if the work situation has changed, or if Darci 13 has adopted a new attitude toward the situation?  

    Suicide seems like a particularly inappropriate action to solve a work issue.  There are laws in place to protect employees from abuse.  If there is a case, there is a lawyer ready to get his cut from the proceeds.

    After 37 years, Darci 13 might be getting close to retirement???  

    Having worked in an occasional disgusting atmosphere, it was most effective for me to focus on doing my job, keeping my head down to avoid confrontations, and taking walks during break and lunch times.  I couldn't wear a headset to cut off everything because I had to answer the phone, but if I could've, I would've.  


    Darci has been suspended from the forum. Hopefully when she returns she can fill you in on the details. :)

    That's a big surprise, Fishlet. She's got comments posted from 8 hours ago. What's the deal??

    I saw that she was on the forum... all sorts of members said hello on her last question and then she was suspended.
    I couldn't find anything offensive and so I sent a note to admin asking if there was a policy for members leaving and returning after an extended period of time.
    Maybe, we are supposed to remain active to a certain degree.

    Hmmmmm....weird. I always felt a sense of animosity from Darci 13 towards me, but I just stayed away from her.
    Again, weird. ????

    Yes, weird.

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