    How do you fix an unbalanced wash machine?

    +3  Views: 491 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago

    8 Answers

    normaly a washer is weighted down with concreat slabs in side the washer there are legs that you can tweek if it does lean for /or backward try and even this out good luck
    make sure the weight of all your items is balanced. my husband put two thick towels in the regular wash load and the machine came dancing into the kitchen. BOOM BOOM BOOM. Once it gets unbalanced you have to get down on the floor and make the feet all equal heights.

    but the actual drum inside the washer is crooked. the back leans and the front is higher than normal ?????

    It really sounds as though this machine could use an experienced pair of eyes and hands to help it feel better. It's going to take a little more than a kiss and a pat on the side this time.
    If this is a "top loader" the front of the washer most likely will come off. The tub will probably be supported by 3 or 4 rods and springs which are adjustable. It is likely one of these are unhooked or broken.
    Ajust the the treaded plastic feet to ensure that the machine is level before you do anything.
    It sounds like one of your belts is broken which is why the drum is tilted. Call a repair man or pull the washer apart yourself and find out which drum belt you need.
    put a new floor in..
    The answers here have covered all bases so all I can suggest is a good physichiatrist.
    Stop washing your husbands work boots with your delicates. :)

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