    If you were a teacher, what subject would you like to teach?

    +18  Views: 1519 Answers: 34 Posted: 13 years ago

    34 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    world history.. i find it fasinating, id love to know more..

    You certainly are not cut out to be a spelling teacher.. HA!!! LOL!!
    ed shank

    Vinney, Vinney you are cruel. Your right though.

    Oh ed, you have a little problem too. : - ) Make that "You're" from cruel Itsmee

    I found philosophy quite interesting also. Interesting to study beliefs of people and what they are based upon...very enlightening!
    ed shank

    Philosophy was my minor. I was confused the whole semester, then again it was my reefer period.

    it was the smoke that kept your mind cloudy. :-)
    Common sense, and good manners. I dont think these subjects get taught any more.
    If i was a teacher i would like to give lessons to children about caring for pets and animals, it might stop a lot of animal cruelty.I dont know what this subject would fall under.
    Animal husbandry.

    Me too!

    Yes I have always thought it would be nice to be married to a nice little horse, mare of course nothing "funny " about me.
    Don`t you tell me 6dogs that that is not what animal "husbandry" is.

    HAHAHA.Married to a horse.I don't suppose she would give you any chaff?
    Sex education ... The students could teach me so much ....

    You're a sick little puppy Flip!

    flip is a cute lil' ole puppy dawg! : )
    I think I would like to teach geography.

    general learning skills 101

    Science, P.E. and sex ed.

    Silence is golden..
    Biology, READING because so many people being pushed on without being able to.
    Geography, science but more importantly communication skills.
    Home economics
    I sub elementary children. I LOVE US History. And they love me to teach it.. It is so much fun.
    I'd like to teach them technical or mechanical art of knowing how to repair equipment extra,also like aircraft mechanic.solving problem with math.too many,just like everything.
    about art
    I love history, psychology, and Biblical studies. My second choice would be physics or science. Depends on what type of school you could get a job at I suppose. I'm sure you're leaving that open to interpretation, speaking of that I also love English Literature.

    I would only work as a teacher if I could grab the students by the ears and walk them to the principals office, like back in my grade school days, lol. These days you would be fired and sued.

    they had a big wooden panel with holes. I avoided it.
    I wanna teach political science to politicians, apparently they get it all wrong.. :)

    clap, clap, clap ... Yay vinny! thumb up!
    Music, because music is what life sounds like.

    Yes, me too. I'd like to teach children about the sound track to their lives. I'd love to teach them how to play guitar and piano, but I'd have to learn how first.
    English, reading, writing,
    And, on the H.S. or college level---- literature

    I hate algebra. Why would you multiply letters ?
    English, as in grammar, creative writing.

    creative writing. Meeee toooo.
    I taught mathematics.

    I am overly impressed. Mathematics kept me from greater heights. I did well in everything else. Math floored me

    I went to a tutor and he was so dam cute he made me sweat. I simply could not deal with the dripping sweat and doing algebra, etc.
    ed shank

    You can sweat on me anytime. I was bad in math in school also, but my career goal at the time required that I know how to count to ten without using my fingers. I later used it to teach.

    Ooooh thanks, edshank. drip drip.
    somewhere along the line you learned to love math.
    I no longer use my fingers. I use raisins.
    ed shank

    I never loved it, I needed to be proficient in it. I still can't make change of a dollar.
    Music history. But I would talk about the real lives of composers, how they really behaved (or misbehaved, whichever the case may be). The way I was taught this subject in school, they made it seem boring because they only dealt with when such and such a composition was composed, the composers birth and death dates, etc. Just technical stuff, which is ok it but would have been so much more interesting had they included the personality quirks of each composer.
    Art and Interior Design and caring for animals and bugs
    I taught preschool for years. I was a trained medical assistant too and worked in doctors' officies too. I taught an art class (briefly) I have a certificate in addiction, but didn't persue it.

    I am interested and excited about everything everyone presented as their interest. 

    Urantia…a commentary on the Grand Universe, our world’s progress and development to date and the Life and times of Jesus.  

    A Course in Miracles 

    and an open commentary on the transition of our world to a Mansion World     System of government and commerce for spiritual progress.

    Intelligent Design

    You think we design poorly?
    design was probably my favorite class. I never used it much but still ....

    We do, God doesn't.

    interesting, freedom.
    I woke up thinking about this thread and came back to read the whole thing over.
    Haley had a good idea for a question.
    this was one of the most interesting quesions ~ loved it.

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