    Why do America impose the sanctions against those countries who want to use nuclear power while America is using the nuclear power in many fields. Is that not a dual policy of America

    +3  Views: 268 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    despite being the greatest power on earth were also the greatest hypocrites on earth as well.
    It sure is.
    What comes to mind with me, is the countries that want access to nuclear materials and technology. In analogy, that would be like giving an angry man who is blind drunk a machine gun in the middle of a factory, and then telling him he's fired. Sometimes things might seem hypocritical, but I wouldn't give anybody that poses a threat like some of those countries, any ability to pose a more serious threat like that. It's not exactly like those countries lack other resources, or care about the ecology!
    I can only give one thumbs up daren but you have stated what a lot of people think world wide.
    The USA has some fantastic people but unfortuneately you also have a tiny minority upon whom you are judged.
    It is not fair but who ever said life is fair?
    On this very site I was told the US was only looking after it`s own interests in the middle east, pardon me but what are the USA`s interests in the middle east.

    You seem to be dogged by politicians who feel the world owes the USA a debt of gratitude.

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