    To Vinney Sorry I delete so much stuff Dont quite rember

    Vinney : what ever you had to say was responded to. Then I delete these things as there are too many to leave in the box. You know somethings are important and others not so much.I have been working for days on bags and my delivery day is Friday.I made a promise and its time to send some money to a outfit called SMILE TRAIN you can find them on Google if you care to look .I promised one child a month as long as I live if thats possible and some times its not but I try.Was what ever you wished to discuss more important than that ????? We both have a right to be wrong if we consider that who ever we engage in conversation is at least 50 percent right when we start. I wish only not to be desperate in food and shelter to have a female companion who likes me to help a few kids and leave this life with a good record and my soul intact.What ever journey you are on I wish you good luck and fortune.

    +1  Views: 1566 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago
    ole hipster

    Hi bluesman 1951! Hope you're doing well. I'm just curious (eternally I think!) with your "name" do you like the blues (musically)?? I love blues music all time favorite. My home city of Chicago here is famous for it...Buddy Guy, Koko Taylor etc. etc. (:

    1 Answer

    I'm not sure what you are talking about but You do have many personalities.. I truly wish you well also!!

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