    I Simply Dont Care!!!!!!!!

    Over the last 8 yrs I have lost my business my means of support,thanks to this ecomomy and those who run this country .What will you do when the army of have nots rise up and take what they want when they have been kicked enough

    +3  Views: 1484 Answers: 8 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: justice enough

    When your "Army" decides to come into my neighborhood to take what I've worked for don't be surprised if your met with a LEAD shower.
    Love that second amendment.


    sorry for the loss of your business, hope your doing fine, yeah true, there are some stupid people who run this country who don't care about someone's financial life is on the line.

    ole hipster

    No truer words have been ya' doing double!

    8 Answers

    You both have great points, the average Joe is getting fed up with all the b.s. that Washington is forcing down our throats, I think in the near future, once gas prices get higher, inflation goes even crazier, people are eventually going to hit the street in protest.

    It's just a matter of time until we've hand all we can stand and can't stands no more, to quote Popeye. The economic systems of the world are going to come crashing down and people are just gonna have to do something. Do you think these people in government know what it like to stress out over paying your monthly bills? To wonder if you will have a roof over your head next month???

    I don't think they have a clue, I saw in the news that Hilary Clinton didn't even know how to pump her own gas, doesn't sound like they are in touch with the suffering of the people to me!!!

    I know how you feel, I'm on a fixed income and they won't even give me a cost of living increases but they get their raise. You know how much gas and food has going up. I just know GOD is in control, and sleep fine. VOTE THE BUMS OUT!


    I certainly hope god fixes the gasoline prices, I just paid $407.00 for the month of March.. and that is just one of my cars that I use to commute to work. I have a 64 mile round trip. If God can fix that, I'll go back to church.. :)


    In the last year corn is up over 100%, butter over 30%, gas is at it's highest since 2008, every time I go to the grocery store I notice the prices are going much higher or the product size is shrinking, or both. I now go to Costco, or Target and usually only buy items that are on sale, there are ways to get around inflation, but you cant completely avoid it. It's getting much tougher to the average Joe, or Josephina to make a comfortable living or sometimes just get past the month. Most of have more month than money.

    Headless Man

    Vinny, God can take care of anything.
    A few years back when I was a contractor in the oil field, I had some bad times and was down to using change for gas, as I got gas for my tank to go check my wells I knew I would have no gas for the next day, when to work and prayed for help. When I got home I stopped to check my mail and found a bonus check in the box, enough for gas for the month house payment and some food.
    Never got a bonus check before........, God is good.

    Success is getting up one more time than you fell down..

    There may be undesirable people running the country but they are not running your life.. :) Fight em..

    When your "Army" decides to come into my neighborhood to take what I've worked for don't be surprised if your met with a LEAD shower. Love that second amendment.

    <a href="/users/4843/bluesman1951/">@bluesman1951</a> - I recently read an article on a blog:

    A Mental Exercise: What I'd Do if I Lost Everything

    How and What to do starting over from scratch. How would you put that knowledge to work to rebuild your wealth again in the fastest time frame possible?

    Question: What would you do if you..."SPENT EVERYTHING YOU HAD"?

    I too have lost everything but myself and that they cannot take away. I feel your pain and I am truly sorry because I know how it feels.

    It is all part of us turning into a socialistic society. Millions of people are in your boat, and the number is increasing each day.

    Ms Sinclair

    A socialist society? That's a joke. This country's going into the toilet because fat cats on Wall St. are robbing the average taxpayer blind. And what happens to them? They certainly don't go to jail where they belong. They get bonuses courtesy of "the little people".

    Yea, I went to the grocery store today and was shocked at the prices 4 produce. Then that fool Bernanke says there is no inflation! IMHO there R going to be riots in the street in the not to distance future. I just can't understand this government giving away billions to other countries when we have so many problems here at home. Just like Randy P. I'm on a fixed income as well, 3 years no raise! But those jerks in congress will VOTE themselves one.

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