    why are we a throw away nation

    +7  Views: 537 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Programming (bombarded to buy this useless stuff you can't live without, oh it's the greatest thing since heads on a post!) combined with faulty products designed to break and dispossable income. so the rich get richer and you get to go buy a new one and pay to get rid of the broken one...but that's ok, just go get a new one...if you can't afford it just use credit, what the hey, you really need it...whatever it is....huh? lol

    How true is that what you are saying, I think its all to do with Greed, Thank you Rodger for your comment
    I can't afford to throw things away, I have to repair them. When I retired I knew that the way we had lived before was going out the window. Now, even if I don't like it, I have to put up with fix it or forget it.

    Yes I agree we also have to make do and fix things rather than buy new I must admit it reminds me of my parents they did this all the time we have had the good times and now we are paying for it
    Yes we certainly are. Not to many years ago we used to get the TVs, vidieos etc.. repaired. If they go wrong now .. to the trash can and buy a new one. Yes a sign of the times we now live in.

    your are right there Maz we were a trow away world but we are now throwing the World away with waste that poor mother earth cannot handle anymore thank you
    i think spicoli's dad was the last t.v repair man. innovation may play a part why would you get a two year old phone repaired when the new ones are so advanced

    yes good comment
    A mindset we developed about twenty years ago, good economy, everybody that wanted to work had a job. We therefore had money to piss away. That destructive way of thinking hasn't changed yet, but it will.

    Oh Yes ED it will certainly change, if it hasnt already, as I said to Rodger its greed and more greed I feel sorry for these people who just want more and more when you really dont need it thanks for your comment

    We have been  brainwashed  and programmed to not question authority. 

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