    why would a dog start slepping in a baby crib, the baby is 4 month old now?

    The mother has not put the baby in the crib yet. She sleeps in the bassenet. This is a rottweiler rhodesian ridgeback mix. Does not get proper exercize or discipline.They also have a Sharpi Jack russell mix. total of 5 children 2 adults no ones wants to take care of them , the mother is the only one who thinks they need a better home . Help I have talked until I was blue in the face PLEASE? Thank You

    +1  Views: 1385 Answers: 11 Posted: 13 years ago

    11 Answers

    time to put the dogs up for adoption, rotweilers and babies dont mix, really whats more important ?

    Thank You I agree, Even had a home for both dogs and the dad and kids kicked and screamed. Mother gave in.

    These Poor Dogs need to be rehomed now, its not the dogs fault in what they are doing but this poor baby could get in thier way and not mean to harm the baby its sound to me that this Woman also needs help please beg her to let these poor animals have another life where they would be loved and cared for in which they were meant to be God bless you for caring and if she she does decide to rehome these dogs do it when the other people arnt there good luck lol 


    Do they care more for dogs then they do for the baby? It's not healthy or safe for the baby, and these dogs need to be placed in a animal shelter.

    yes Pamela I read that the baby sleeps in the basement have i got this wrong!no the baby is not in the crib as yet ! and yoy right they need to get rid of the dogs and that Mother needs help as well lol
    i`d be scared to death them mutts would hurt my baby. i`d throw em out

    Don't let the dog gain access to the crib,could be starting to show signs of jealousy.Some dogs display protection around babies also.Keep in mind that dogs can bite and maul,be very careful.

    The dog loves the crib because it's nice, soft and warm.  I would try to secure the crib since the baby is going occupy it at some future point.


    I'd call social services and tell them the story. It's dangerous. Most people know that !

    Did you read the question. The baby is not in the crib yet - baby is in a basenet. Obviously dogs and babies do not mix. The dog wants a  bed. However, this all sounds very disfunctional and these poor dogs do need help - very quickly - a dog who does not get exercise can become aggressive.

    There does not seem to be signs of jealousy just wants a bed the crib is empty - this jealous thing anyhow with animals and children can be controlled with proper training.

    Social Services - for the family and Animal Welfare people for the poor dogs!   


    yes big dog jumps in the crib and sleeps in it. the baby is not in crib yet still in bassinett. I feel the dog has claimed it as his own. This is disconcerning to me, thats why i,m asking other to coment maybe they will listen to others not lisening to me. thanks.
    harry crumb

    Well you should be smecking the dogs bottom.

    Agred if they were mine. They would be walked everyday,as I have done for 15 year with my dog two 2 hour walks a day, dogs are to tired to cause trouble lol.

    dogs and human babies do not mix well in a crib....scary actually to think a parent would allow  this...or anyone for that matter...I believe there is danger when an animal starts this behavior even when they do not show signs of being jealous of the baby....or show signs they love and want 2 protect the infant....we cannot be sure 100% because dogs cannot tell you in human language the reason they do what they do...and even if they could...NEVER TRUST A DOG!;-) with your baby

    I'm coming across this question 3 months after it posted.  I am wondering what has happened during this time.  Those dogs don't sound like the best breeds to have around an infant.  Wondering why the dogs were allowed access to the crib in the first place. 
    If you are still "out there" peggyspug, please update!

    i am a dog owner but to me this sounds potentially dangerous,my advice is rehome them

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