are there any dangers to the new car switch game chinese checkers?
are there any dangers to the new teenage game called "chinese checkers" where when they stop at a trafic light the occupants of the vihicle get out and switch with the occupants of another car and do this over and over again?
2 Answers
This is a version of Chinese Fire Drill which was big back when I was a teenager. Still not a good idea, could cause problems with traffic patterns and if the kids get caught they will be taken down to police headquarters until Mom and Dad come to escort them home. Probably get a citation for it or at least a warning.
Go figure, it is a problem or not? You're the ones that are supposed to set a good example for the younger generation.
Go figure, it is a problem or not? You're the ones that are supposed to set a good example for the younger generation.
13 years ago. Rating: 1 | |
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