    what is the difference between a paint and a pinto

    a paint is a type of horse, so is a pinto

    0  Views: 511 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Paint horses have a specific stock-type body type and are closely related to the American Quarter Horse. To register a horse with the American Paint Horse Association, both the sire and the dam must be registered paint horses but pinto coloring is not required! The APHA has a special "breeding stock" division for Paint Horse who lack pinto coloring.

    Pinto horses, however, may be of any breed or type, because the word "Pinto" simply refers to color. A Saddlebred, for example, may be a Pinto, but could never be a Paint. Pinto horses come in all shapes and sizes. A color-based registry has opened for Pinto horses. Instead of breeding being the qualifier for registry, color is. Any non-draft, non appaloosa colored may join the Pinto Horse Association of America.

    This says it much better than I can. A Paint is a breed of horse and a pinto is a color that a horse can be.

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