The female felon that comes to my house was just realeased from prison recently and I hired her light housekeeping and light medical care for me. I am 100% Disabled from The Department of Veterans and 100% Disabled by Social Security and have Medicare Part A & B. Are there any programs that help pay or supplement her salary. She was convicted of murderering he husband because he continuosly beat her and she just finally could not get him to stop. The was self defense but the the jury didn't thing so. I would have hired her myself I thought she would ever become a problem and so far that has not happened. She is very hard worker and tends to my medicals needs very good. Are there any programs that help with this.
1 Answer
Try here, no need for the personal details of the caregiver as no-one is preferred over another in these cases ...
10 years ago. Rating: 1 | |