    We are thinking of moving a Mountain Ash tree about four fee tall.

    I'm afraid it's already too late because the roots are quite deep. I thought they always say the roots are about twice as deep as tall as the tree is. Is that true?

    +1  Views: 321 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    Possibly, each tree grows at different rates because of soil, fertilizer, weather etc. But the problem with tap roots is that you must keep as much of it intact for the tree to prosper after you move it, but it is almost impossible to do. So if you try to move it, just get as much of all the roots as possible and when you dig the new hole, use really good dirt, lots of manure if possible, dig is deep enough to put the tree back to its original depth, and the big part is water, water, water. The roots that go outwards will be about as long as the branches of the tree, you need to get them out in one piece as much as possible too.
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