    I have Poison .. Oak/Ivy/ Sumac... or some other kind... How do I dry it up Quickly?? I've had it nealy a week and it is spreading. It is driving me CRAZY........

    +1  Views: 774 Answers: 7 Posted: 13 years ago

    7 Answers

    Well Chief,

    You can try many things, Calamine Lotion, Hydrocortisone, Toothpaste, Benadryl, etc. there are so so many over the counter meds - check with your pharmacist. Or, if I were you , I'd call the doc and get a script for it. Don't scratch it - it will make it spread. And next time, stay away from those silly plants - they will drive you crazy.
    You can try old fashioned calamine lotion....that will help some.....I know it itches like crazy...but it has to run its course unfortunately...hope you are better soon!
    Tooth Paste??? the only one I haven't tried. I did start treating it within an hour of touching the plant. It looked like Catnip and felt like velcro. TY Yvonne... I am suffering as you said.... lol

    I fell into it, it was not a planned fall...!!!! TY ferr Dum Advise... FAcebook..!!

    TY for your sympathy Ole Hipster... right now I look like a pink Blister.... lol.

    I don't recall sympathy cure anything but your feeling,
    I simply toll you the best action to take for your case.
    And that you will suffer,because you waited to long,and aggravate your problem.

    YES TOOTHPASTE!!!! It is an old modles trick for pimples too.. It will dry out anything... But it has to be paste and not gel.
    Yes! Best medicine for any illness is prevent it,rather than trying to cure it,I agree what Yvonne said,you must of waited to long before taking action,now you will suffer the consequence.
    Popular Home Treatment


    Using baking soda, create a paste from an equal amount of water and baking soda. Put the paste -- in an even layer -- on the affected areas. This baking soda and water mixture will cool off the burning sensation and end the itching immediately. In some cases, consistent use of this mixture can completely cure the rash, but in other cases, other remedies must be used to supplement the baking soda.

    Over-the-Counter Medicine


    Cortisone cream is the most popular over-the-counter medicine for poison ivy relief. It reduces swelling and itching and speeds the healing of the skin, according to If you catch the outbreak early, zanfel cream is also effective. It must be used before the poison oil seeps into your skin. Zanfel cream can also be used to prevent poison ivy rashes before contact.

    Doctor Treatment


    If you are forced to see a doctor for poison ivy, you have a more serious case. Worst-case scenarios often require steroid creams. These kill the infected cells so new skin cells can grow. Poison ivy occasionally requires hospitalization, and steroid creams and similar remedies are prescribed. It's important to remember that if prescribed a steroid cream, do not use more than instructed. If you do, bigger problems than poison ivy could arise.

    Read more: The Best Treatment for Poison Ivy |
    My son had it when he was 16. It was terrible. It spread ALL over his body. He went to the doctor, got a shot, took some medicine and missed school for a week! It was serious. He could have died. Poison Oak in our area of Caliifornia comes out in February. You can't even see it at this time but it's the virulent little buds that will get you. You probably don't have it that bad. I wouldn't know.
    Here is something you may not know as well.. It was new to me a couple of years ago... Wash as often as possisle. The oil from your skin is speading the histimine. Make sure you wash all clothing you were waering it will continue to infect you even after a mmonth. GoodLuck... Best wishes.

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