    does laser surgery work for lower back pain?

    +3  Views: 1586 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    Talk with your doctor for a treatment that will work for you.
    I've never heard of it being done, I'd be leary about that so close to spinal area, I use pain mgmt.
    If you mean endoscopic laser surgery that is minimally invasive...don't know of anybody who has had this procedure done...though it does interest me as I too suffer with it! Anybody out there who can enlighten us?
    Compared with traditional back surgery, which often uses high-speed drills or other invasive surgical instruments to remove disc herniations and bone spurs, laser back surgery has the following advantages.

    * Minimally invasiveness: The surgical incision is generally smaller than 10 mm
    * Local anesthesia: Patients stay awake and can communicate with the surgeon during the surgical procedure
    * Same day surgery: The entire procedure generally takes about 1-2 hours, and patients generally can walk 2-3 hours after the surgery
    * Fast recovery: It only takes about 2-3 days to a couple of weeks before the patient can return to normal activities
    * Low risk: There is little bleeding during the procedure and minimal, if at all, damage to the surrounding tissue
    * Reduced postoperative pain
    * Less scarring
    * No hardware left in the body
    * Preservation of the spine mobility

    Endoscopic cervical discectomy (ECD)

    Endoscopic cervical discectomy (ECD)

    Because of the above advantages, more and more surgeons have accepted laser back surgery as an effective and safe treatment option for back pain. Many scientific and medical papers have documented the application and successful results of laser back surgery for the treatment of back pain caused by a wide variety of conditions, including bone spurs, disc herniations, disc degeneration, spinal stenosis, as well as failed back surgery syndrome.

    Dr. Liu, chief surgeon of Atlantic Spinal Care (ASC), is a leader in the field of minimally invasive spine surgery. At ASC, Dr. Liu performs minimally invasive back surgery on a daily basis. Because of the high success rate of his surgery, patients from all over the country come to ASC to seek treatment for their back conditions. Check out the patients’ testimonials to see what his patients have to say about the surgery.

    So back to the question, does laser back surgery work? Experts’ experiences and mounting medical evidence tell us, for certain patients, yes. The key to successful laser back surgery is to find the right surgeon who is truly experienced with the procedure.

    If you have been suffering from back pain, talk to us today to find out if laser back surgery is right for you.
    IF you'd like to read more I'll leave you a few sites, it seems like this type of surgery has a much higher percentage of success than others:

    Does Laser Back Surgery Work? | Atlantic Spinal Care Blog
    ... in endoscopic spine surgery and how we can help you live pain-free. ... as well as failed back surgery ... the surgery. So back to the question, does laser back surgery work? - Cached
    Endoscopic Spine Surgery | Back Surgery | Spinal Treatment
    ... alternatives to open back surgery and ... Are you a candidate for Endoscopic Spine Surgery? When you're in pain ... how our techniques really work. Our patients are living pain ... - Cached
    FAQ « Laser Spine Surgery of Texas
    The Center for Laser Spinal Surgery does ... relieves the pain. In fact the laser spine surgery techniques work well ... have to come back to the Center for Laser Spine Surgery ... - Cached
    Treating Hyperhidrosis with Endoscopic ...
    ... of these possible solutions is endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy surgery. ... Unfortunately it does not appear to work well for people ... Back Up Again; Demand Studios Site ... - Cached

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