    quicken or quickbooks for a small church

    +2  Views: 1689 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    great idea to keep the books in order :lead us not into temptation" its a great program, easy and cheap as well!
    Quicken is more of a personal finance program - you can manage your back accounts, loans, morgages etc. QuickBooks provides more sophisticated bookkeeping and accounting features and is more geared toward businesses using staff or consultants - providing features such as double-entry bookkeeping, payroll and invoicing.

    As someone who has tried both, Quicken is definitely easier to learn, as it hides many of the accounting calculations and its presentation is more analagous to writing checks, but lacks some important features for business financial management, and most organizations I run into grow out of Quicken while still fairly small.

    Anecdotally, I have seen some agencies end up switching to Quickbooks on advise of their auditors, who want to see double-entry accounting procedures followed

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