    Do you think Casey Anthony can get a fair trial, because of all the publicity surrounding her and her daughters death. Remember the question is do you believe she can get a fair trial, not your personel belief as to her guilt, or innonence

    +5  Views: 830 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: legal

    6 Answers

    A month went by before she acknowledge her child missing. A fair trial, maybe not...
    Yeah, I think so, since the jury doesn't even know whe she is, all they know is that she's the mother of a murdered baby.. These people been living under a rock.. yeah, based on that, I think she will.

    That said: She's guilty, that's what I think and that's why they wouldn't want me on that jury. Too bad - She's actually an attractive woman but I think this was her problem, she likes to play..

    Now we have a mom that put her baby in a microwave last month and cooked her..
    No, and I'm glad she can't.

    she`s already been tried once. from what has been said she can`t be tried again. i think she would have to give a confession about caylee. she would have to talk.

    she will get a fair trial alright. everything the jury hear before hand adds more facts to work with.the more facts you have to work with the fairer your judgement becomes. I don't believe in the jury working blindfold as it were.

    she will get a fair trial alright. everything the jury hear before hand adds more facts to work with.the more facts you have to work with the fairer your judgement becomes. I don't believe in the jury working blindfold as it were.

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