    Have you ever helped someone in someway and later they turned against you ?


    +12  Views: 1865 Answers: 19 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: friendship

    good question, my friend. I took a stroll, back down memory lane.

    Aw, there you go getting nostalgic on me LOL. It's good to go back sometimes.

    It's all good. It is what it is. :-)

    19 Answers

    It happened to my wife and I, we fed this girl that lived next door to us , back in the 70's. She lived with her aunt, and the aunt didn't have food a lot of times, so we fed them. Now the girl is grown and is a RN. She will see us and turn her nose up at us, and will not even speak, but that's ok, my wife and I did our part. I guess we're not the caliber of people she wants to associate with.

    you can't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been.

    Very true statement my friend. I even introduced her to a friend of mine who is NOW her husband. That was before she became high classed. To this day she still does not speak to us.

    sad...her lost. How does her husband, your friend feel about what has happened?

    He'll talk to us and we're still friends, as well as cousins. He will not confront her about the situation, trying to hold his marriage together.

    the man in the middle, but, interesting!
    That's life.. It happens all the time. To avoid this feeling, never expect a thank you or even acknowledgment of a good deed, then when it never comes, you're prepared for it. Also, never assume anyone is obligated to you.. This is the best way to keep good friends as good friends.

    When you give, the return doesn't always come back from where you gave, sometimes it comes back from unexpected sources..
    But it does come back...

    Very good answer, we never looked for a thank you, but we didn't know the girl would just stop speaking to us, oh well !!

    I forgot Thank you Vinny for your input.

    HA!!! LOL-- Now go back and read that again!! You don't need to thank me, I'll get it from someplace else!! LOL.. Glad to offer my input.. Glad you accept my input..

    Excellent answer,My thoughts exactly.

    Wow! 12 thumbsup! That's my record.. :) Thanks all!
    keep your friends close and your enemies closer!

    Good quote.

    Good Quote daren.(But I know who you stole it from. Chuckle!)

    i plan on giving it back..
    sorta , some years ago after my younger sister was married we had a big all night party, lots of city kids as well as realitives.after the smoked cleared we noticed jewelery as well. my wifes ,mothers and sisters pocket books were missing. well of cource we suspected the kids from the projects that we hardly knew, well low and behold it was our cousin as well as my sisters best friend!!

    Man, that's terrible, sorry that happened to you. Thank you daren1 for sharing that.

    ya it was all cause of drugs

    That figures, that's really bad.
    Yes. What's interesting is when they return and they need you again, and they always do, you look them straight in the eye, and tell them you simply have no time while your sitting in your rocker with your feet on the desk drinking a cold one. Much crueler than telling them to kiss your a**.

    Way to go ed, give them " THE LOOK", they will know where you're coming from. Thank you so much.
    ed shank

    I do related to your story Spacy When I was 13 years old my mom's niece got herself pregnant (no father) and my mom took her and her baby boy into our house. "We" raised this kid and supported both of them. His mother moved out with her new boyfriend when this kid turned 17 years old and he also moved out when he was almost 20 years old. Now, 21 years later he does not "know" us. He lived 2 miles away from my mom house and does not bother with our mother neither none of us kids. His own mother? You guess it .... same as her kid.

    It's a sad world sometimes.

    Your're right Tommyh, it is a sad world sometimes. But you have to lear to deal with it. Thanks for your comment.

    Varon, Both mother and son are cold truly ungrateful. It hurts a lot especially now that your mother is beginning to grow older. The very least they could do would be to visit once in a while.

    Changmai thank you for your thoughts. You are right, that it would be the very least, but this is not the case. Thanks !
    Has happened many times for me! always remember "That no good deed goes unpunished".

    Very GOOD saying cucumber, Thank you for the info.
    yes many a time but life goes on I hope I have never done this to any one I think you have to ask god to forgive them and that at least makes you feel better and your not carrying it round like a rope round your neck good question TU for you x

    Thanks Mel, you're right life must go on and God will always look out for you. Appreciate your comments.
    My friend or associate, a high school teacher. Several years ago, I treated her to a girls night out, at a well-known upscale establishment. We got "VIP" treatment, skies the limit, we were very welcome with open arms, by everybody we met. The next, following day I called her to find out how she enjoyed her evening. From that day to the present, I never heard from her again.

    The question remains, why, and what happened? I guess I will never know.

    Hello my friend, I know you are like " What the hell did I do"?. That's terrible Pam. How are you doing today? Thank you so much for the info.

    I am find, that's the choice she made for whatever reason!

    You should invite her again. This time after one drink, leave her there to pay the bills. Let her reconcile with the bartender at the end of the night.

    Then you, spaceghost and I can all go for a real drink. The next day you can still find us here at akaqa.

    Thanks, Chi! I called her twice, and she never returned my calls. That's the way it ended. A real drink with you and Ghost sounds great. :-)
    Like Mel and others here I have been burnt by several friends and even some family members, way to many time to list and all long stories.

    My last step dad burnt me for over ten thousand dollars, one of my best friends burn me for more, most of the circumstances were people or family borrowing money from me.

    It's a good thing I don't have the money to lend anymore, I probably wouldn't unless I am ready to loose more friends and family members. It really sucks to be taken advantage of by people and it makes it extremely difficult to trust anyone.

    I just try to use better judgment now and don't lend or don't have the money to lend anymore. Good question!
    I have never put myself out there and not gotten stepped on.. Whether it be to leaned money, open my home to a friend, give my time, or just being a friend... People are selfish by nature. I guess after they bleed you dry you are useless and they move on.

    Too many times to mention here.It's why I don't accumulate "Friends".I stick to family (& even then there are a couple of doubtfuls LOL).I talk to you guys here & have a bit of fun,It's a good outlet & not much chance of getting stung.

    Love your comments, very true what you said about friends and family. We, the people on this site enjoy talking to you too. Thank you so much.
    Survivor Guilt is what that is called. I’ve seen it more times than I can tell you. You give someone a tip and they are upset with you because they think the tip was their idea and you are trying to get paid for what you told them and they profited by even if you ask nothing of them. Save someone from a burning house…I was getting up when you broke in to put the fire out, I could have put out myself and saved the $50.00 responder fee. My favorite: I wasn’t smoking in bed. The bed was on fire when I got in it.

    Love it Robert, thank you so much for your comments.
    Varon, I just don't understand how a person could do that to another human being, especially your own relatives. I've seen it happen time and time again though. Thanks so much my friend for your input.

    Spacy, it happened to us and I have seeing happen to other people time and time again, but that's how some people really are. Thank you too.
    My daughter-in-law. She'd soon burn the hair off your head.

    That's terrible, you might want to avoid her LOL. Thank you eggplant for the input.



    "The thorn from the bush that one has planted, nourished and pruned, pricks more deeply and draws more blood."                    

    Maya Angelou



    I was helping a girls who was getting a divorce, and she was being very needy , she needed rides, food, was sleeping at my place...I was trying to be her best friend because she was far from her family (they were in another country) and I was even sharing my time and taking care of her, like giving attention, listening to her, being a good friend.So she was insisting if there was something she could do for me.And saying anything, please tell me, and i said could you take a suitcase wih some gifts to my family when you come back to our country( cz we are from the same country) and she said yes!So I kept being her friend and one day I asked her about the arrangements to have her to take the suitcase for me and she said,well what are you going to send to them? I said clothes, presents you know nothing that you can't carry and she left and sent me a message I decided I I will not be taking it, I think it is better and well she suddenly stopped talking to me, left without saying a word and just disappeared. I wouldn't care if she couldn't take it in the beginning that was not the reason i was helping her, but why she offered something ans said yes meaning no?Why she left without saying thank you?Why she bloked me on her facebook?


    Oh...there was more to your previos question,Which i have answered,sorry to say but this girl has used you.Think twice before offering your help,some people are not worth the time and effort.

    Thank you lolapaluza, for sharing that with us. I guess that's something that has happened to all of us in some way. Some people are like that and it really is a shame.

    Thnak you so much !!! you are awesome

    Yes python you are right !!! I will do it!! thanks

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