    Can anybody HELP me? My best friend has RENAL failure and she has NO income because she is unable to work, we have applied for Medical over and over at DSHS and they just keep giving us the RUN around, she is very sick and I am really getting getting SCARED. PLEASE HELP ME!!

    She has so many outstanding medical bill's that she can't pay and has tried just about every route there is to get HELP!!

    +1  Views: 252 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    If she is on dialysis she should be qualified for Social Security and Medicare. Call your the Social Security office in your area.
    I would contact a SSN or Disability attorney right away. She should at least start getting some type of payment. Unfortunately Medicare does not kick in until she applies and it takes 2 years to get the medical care in certain cases.

    Contact local churches and womens centers in your area. Pay a small amount on each medical bill every month. I don't think they can garnish wages or bankrupt you for medical bills but I'm not sure.

    I hope the very best for you and wish I had a better answer. I'm sure my associates on this forum will come up with better ideas.

    Bless you and your friend. Hang in there.


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