
    +1  Views: 238 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Here is one version: How do I create or edit my homepage?

    NOTE: Server side scripting such as Perl and PHP is not available on personal web space.

    Turn on your homepage

    You must turn on your homepage to make it available via the web.

    Connect to your website: use these settings

    Use the following settings with your secure FTP or web editor program.
    •Login/Username: your UBITName
    •Password: your UBITName password
    •Initial path/directory: public_html

    Web editor programs save copies locally and upload them to a server. They can be purchased from UBmicro or other retailers, and include:

    If you create your html homepage file using a text editor such as Notepad, or a word processor such as Microsoft Word, you can name your file with a .html ending and upload it using the settings listed above using a secure FTP program. Secure FTP programs include:
    •PuTTY (Win)
    •WinSCP (Win)
    •sftp (Mac)
    •Cyberduck (Mac)

    View your website

    The URL for your website is:
    Replace UBITName with your UBITName.

    How can I use Dreamweaver to create or edit my webpage?
    1.Create a New Site (This only needs to be done once):
    1.On your computer, select Site, then New Site.
    2.Select the Advanced tab.
    3.Under Remote, select FTP.
    4.Enter as the ftp host.
    5.For the Host Directory, enter /ubfs/myfiles/1st_UBIT_LETTER/2nd_UBIT_LETTER/UBITName/public_html (where 1st UBIT_LETTER/2nd_UBIT_LETTER/UBITName are the first letter of your UBITName, the second letter of your UBITName, and your full UBITName.)
    6.Enter your UBITName in the Login field. Leave the Password field blank.
    7.Select Use Secure FTP (SFTP)
    2.Connect to your site in the Files panel to the right. You will be prompted for your UBIT password.
    3.Create or update your web page.
    4.Save your work.
    5. Select the file name.
    6. Click the up arrow to upload the file.

    Here's another version:


    Dave's Answer:
    Microsoft Internet Explorer, which comes pre-installed in all versions of Microsoft Windows, is pre-configured to go to a specific page each time it starts up. If you bought your computer from a manufacter like Hewlett-Packard, they may have set Internet Explorer on all their computers to go to the Hewlett-Packard home page, for example. You probably do not consider the Hewlett-Packard website to be the most interesting page in the world, so you want to know how to change Internet Explorer settings so that it will go to a different home page each time it starts up.

    These instructions describe how to change your home page. (Minor point of terminology for newbies: Internet Explorer uses the term "home page" to refer to the page that Internet Explorer goes to each time you start it up. Elsewhere, the term "home page" is also used to describe a web page that someone makes about themselves, describing who they are and listing their hobbies and interests, although those types of home pages actually tended to go out of style with the rise of Myspace and Facebook profiles in the 2000's. Still, if someone asks you "Do you have a home page?", they mean "Do you have a webpage somewhere on the Internet that tells people about yourself?", not "Does your browser go to a specific address each time you start it up?" :-) )

    To set your home page, first open Internet Explorer and go to the page that you want to set as your home page, for example

    Then, go to the "Tools" menu in Internet Explorer, and pick "Internet Options":

    (By the way, if you're using Windows Vista, you might not see the familiar "File", "Edit", "View", etc. menu options across the top of the window any more. To bring the menu options back, read How to restore your menu options in Vista's Internet Explorer)

    You should then be seeing the Internet Options dialog box:

    In the first tab of the Internet Options dialog box, you'll see a space at the top labeled "Home page". The web address displayed in this space, is your existing home page -- the page that your browser is set to go to whenever you launch it. To change your home page to the page that's currently displayed in the web browser, click the "Use current" button. You'll see the web address in the box, change to the web address of the currently displayed web page:

    Then click "OK" at the bottom of the dialog box to save your changes. Now, whenever you open Internet Explorer, it will go directly to the page that you saved as your new home page.

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