    My partner and I have a wonderful, caring relationship. We are very close, get on extremelly well and have loads of fun together. Lately however he has started paying alot of attention to a good girlfriend of mine - so much so it is becoming embarrassing. I have spoken to him about it but he claims he isnt aware of doing it and says I am imagining things. I am not a naturally jealous person but this situation is making me feel very unsure of our relationship and his motivations. My friend laughs

    +4  Views: 2378 Answers: 21 Posted: 13 years ago

    21 Answers

    Tell him to shape up or ship out. If you two are so close, he'll comprehend what you are saying and do something about it - and also apologize. If not, maybe it's time for you to start looking elsewhere for a meaningful relationship. Sometimes these things come in the backdoor and leave you standing there like a fool after it's too late. If he values your relationship as much as you do, he will care that he is hurting your feelings.

    I agree, Very good anwer.
    It concerns me that your friend laughs. How sure are you that she is a "good" girlfriend?

    Well, I havent really wanted to go down that road as I want to be able to trust both of them. She is a known flirt and loves attention, also tends to be attracted to attached men - ha! Recipie for disaster right? In the beginning she used to flirt with him but lately I have noticed she has changed her approach towards him and is rather cool and off-hand. This just seems to encourage him.

    I read your response AFTER I wrote my response. See? That's not a friend.
    My life long friend has been trying to get into my wife's pants since we were teenagers. I chuckle inside. My wife has always known as well. I trust her totally. I did say something to him many many years ago. If you haven't hit it yet, give it up, she's not interested. He's still at it.

    Ha! Good for your wife! I cant help but wonder what my partner would do if my friend responded favourably. She did used to flirt with him but has stopped. Perhaps this is why he is behaving like a dog on heat!
    ed shank

    I wouldn't get looney tunes over this. Maybe he needs acknowledgment that he is still a virile macho guy. Perhaps trying to instill a little jealousy in you? If your relationship is intact, don't sweat it. Next time he behaves badly, bark at him Ruf, Ruf.

    Ruf! Ruf! I like it!

    play it right or it's rough rough
    The girlfriend laughing makes me uncomfortable... Flirt or not she is a girl and knos how you feel when you are insecure. unless she has something to hide she needs to take your feeling to heart. Let your man know that you want it to stop. Not that you dont like it.

    thats realy true how many girfriends broke up marriage , get away from her or she will get away with your husband

    that laughing girlfriend is evil. be aware.
    Go by your instincts doll. My only regret is that I doubted mine!
    im sure your instincts are right, all guys have a tendancy to flirt,best friend or not i think its time to distance yourself from her before its to late.if he truely love you he would agree.
    Your friend laughs, she could be laughing at you...think about it!
    As long as it's just harmless flirting...don't freak out...however if I were you I'd keep an eye on both of them...try flirting with one of his friends and see how HE likes it...what's good for the goose is good for the gander! (:
    I've always trusted my instincts, and they haven't failed me yet.

    My thoughts exactly!
    When you say "...paying alot of attention (to her)..." , can you be more specific ?

    Are they engaging in 45-minute hugs? Is he engaging in conversation with her whereas he never did before ? Tell "Doctor Digger" what's really going on.

    I have a friend named dr. digger. i wonder if we know each other for reals.

    There's only ONE Dr.Digger. You've been befriending an imposter.

    Did the drool separate itself from his face? You need to measure the distance the drool hangs. Anything over 8 inches is suspicious.
    Thanks for that - sometimes I can be too laid back. I will follow my instincts from now on.
    I think something's going to hit the fan for this guy, soon.

    Can you even believe us?!
    Ha! Good for your wife! I cant help but wonder what my partner would do if my friend responded favourably. She did used to flirt with him but has stopped. Perhaps this is why he is behaving like a dog on heat!
    Something is fishy here. When men say , '' I'm not aware that I'm doing it ''.....that just means that he's trying to fend off the charges adn the arguement. And when men start yelling and swearing at you that ''YOU'RE JEALOUS !!! "
    That's his way of not being accountable for his actions.
    Even if you're not jealous,it's still very annoying that he's a big flirt, adn that he's paying so much attention to your g.friend. I would first of all, dump your g.friend, then secondly....get counceling together ASAP. If he won't go to counceling, then you go. If after you dump her, and you find out he calls her and goes to see her, then somethings really going on !
    Get some new panties and then be all embarrased when he sees them. Make a mysterious note that he'll see. Get some new perfume. Call him by the wrong name you know when ... don't get the name all the way out. Stare off into space and say "Do you ever think of stars and rainbows ... (or something like that) It's the far away look that you're going for. Find a romantic song. Play it over many times. (One he doesn't like)
    I'm talkin' jealousy here. I'm talkin' feminine wiles like the southern girls still use. my daughter in law is southern.
    Do not ever let him see you sweat, dear.

    I say be aware!,


    I give you a thumbs up for your answer AND for your brave bold.
    Get rid of the girlfriend. They'll always blame it on you. That's the way the 'cookie crumbles'.

    Some men will use any excuse, to cover up. what is really going on. Try to go to different places, avoid meeting this so called girl frind of yours. She is not a true friend, as she does not respect your feelings.

    ever her that song...smiling faces   by the undisputed truth?  go to you tube and play it. it speaks  volumes


    the waters. Ask her to join the two of you. Then see what goes!!!

    If they go for it and you feel uncomfortable. It maybe time to go.

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