    what is the best site to go on for online courses

    +1  Views: 337 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    The best site for online courses is often considered to be Coursera. Coursera partners with top universities and organizations worldwide to offer a wide range of high-quality courses across various subjects, from data science and business to arts and humanities. It provides flexibility with self-paced learning and offers certificates upon completion, which can be valuable for professional development. Coursera's interactive platform includes video lectures, peer-reviewed assignments, and community forums, making it an excellent choice for learners seeking both academic and professional advancement.

    Best website for online or on-campus courses -

    IVS School of Art and Design is a prominent institution known for its specialized online courses in art and design. The school offers a range of programs that cater to different levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced practitioners. Their online courses cover various disciplines such as graphic design, interior design, fashion design, and fine arts, providing a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills.

    website -

    1 Answer

    That's entirely up to you. Google the type of course you want to take and then take your pick.

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