    why is it we the american people can spend billions of tax payer dollars daily on a war yet we cannot spend a few thousand to get this lost penguin home.

    +2  Views: 287 Answers: 6 Posted: 13 years ago

    6 Answers

    Because a penguin is not a threat to our national security. Plus, penguins do not point out where the oil is.

    Start a collection or drive and get people to donate the money it will cost to send the penguin home.
    I don't even know what you are talking about but you gotta be kidding me.. spend a few thousand dollars for a lost bird??? How about spending that thousand bucks on education and aid to 'our' (assuming you are USA) sick and homeless humans?? A few thousand dollars for a bird?? HA!! LOL

    Maybe you can go pick up the bird and take him home yourself!! LOL

    As far as war spending, how about we don't do that and then you can protect yourself from those that want to kill you and eat the penguin?? No need to spend for a war when when there's soooo many birds that need help..

    HA!! This one cracks me up...

    i guess spending millions on getting beached whales back out to sea and adopting children from overseas instead of taking care of children in the usa is ok.

    Who spends millions saving beached whales? I know the US government does not have a beached whale fund. Adoption is a personal issue.

    Colleen, here in CA we get beached whales once in awhile. I have seen hundreds of people and machinery, Tugs, bulldozers, etc -- I don't know where the money is coming from but its a really big thing.. It's a tourist attraction.. There was a situation about 4 years ago where they 'dragged' the same whale out 3 times.. This whale was very sick, they admitted to this, The whale just wanted to die on land, many do that..

    I've always heard the effort to unbeach whales is donated.


    Adopting children from other countries is a terrible 'social fad' You are right, how could we do that when we have so many of our own that need adoption and help, pretty sick if you ask me.. Just for a social acceptance.. In my opinion, these overseas adoptions are no different than some socialite wanting a shiny Bentley car to impress their friends.. They don't get this social uplift from adopting a child from the Appalachians. (redneck baby) Not to mention all those commercials with the flies walking in and out of the children's mouth asking for you to send money.. People will bite on this IMO to justify their own greed..
    the penguin was confused, he made the wrong turn and got lost

    sounds to me like he is not the only one thats confused.

    you too...
    Maybe because the lost Emperor Penguin is in New Zealand, that's a little out of the U.S.A.'s reach. I guess...

    I'm sure there are some boats heading towards the South Pole that could give him a ride back home, don't you think?
    You are probably a kid, that would be my guess. There are thing you can do like starting a website to get the penguin back home. If you put some effort into this you may wind up on the five o'clock news...
    A lost penguin is not a treat to the American way of life. Throw his ass back in the water with GPS, he'll be alright.

    You think like I do, 'cept i would at least give him an icecube to stand as he drifts back home..

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