    what do girls find most attractive in guys ??? :D

    +9  Views: 2023 Answers: 18 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: girls

    18 Answers

    A nice, sincere person.



    Honesty ...sence of Humor....must love Animals


    3 out of 3 is not

    glad to hear it bulletman! haaaa oxoxox

    I was going to say honesty, integrity and a sense of humor but then I read Ms Sinclair's answer and so artistic is on the list... and nice eyes!

    I like someone who is self confident,intelligent, funny, compassionate, and artistic.

    A great sense of humor..


    How cute are you?!:)

    on a 1-10......12

    Grey & balding but wears his hair long & tied in a pony tail.Shirt undone to 4 inches above the navel with a gold chain & large gold pendant around his neck.Panama hat. Tattoos on the forearms, Oh....... and dirty rope soled loafers with no socks. WOW! What a hell of a man.


    that perfectly describes my uncle 0.o

    Tommyh: THAT IS GROSS.

    Tommyh! were you describing yourself?

    What girl gets a paper round or mows lawns to earn enough money to take a lad out to dinner and the cinema?

    The lad knows that she isn't going to even look at him until he opens his wallet.

    I think the girls go for the steamy smoldering looks of my eyes first,until they see my torso,then all hell breaks lose,


    Nothing wrong with YOUR self-esteem! Kudos.

    Simply have a look at my photo and there is your answer

    Their ability to look cool in 4 polo shirts?




    He's lookin'cool in 4 polo shirts.

    There smile then they smile to much there "False teeth fall out comb there "hair forgot it was a "Wig .wig falls off looks at his dress sense no trousers ,and "She cries you haven't  got a___it fell off.poor girl.

    In  my youth I would wear a  tux to the new years party at the MOOSE club of all places.   Like  the James Bond character .    I looked like an undertaker in a sea of plaid shirts.   But the women loved it !    Looks like that persona is one that women find attractive. 

    mind and ability to earn money

    Intelligence and morals.


    Yeah heavy on the do not boast too much.........

    I'm a guy but what heard is a nice guy who does nice things for there girlfriend.

    also I heard that girls think that guys are sexy in tanktops and tuxes.

    does that help?


    Honest smile with nice teeth.  Conversation that includes eye contact and gentle touches to emphasize point in the conversation...kind of makes it more intimate.  A bit of a protectiveness for me...opening doors, hand on the small of my back as we enter or move through a place. Paying attention to me instead of a cell phone. Safe driver.  Not a show off with anything (money, abilities, possessions) HUMBLE but not overly modest. A good sense of humor.  Not expecting sex by the end of the third date.   "Pet names" like "Baby" after one date are really annoying and make me want to change my phone number.  
    Most of all, being yourself is way more attractive than being a show.  If someone likes you as you are...... 


    Well said Bob ,a

    everything you said there x 2 = me :)

    I think on a deep level girls are looking for a guy that can take care of her.  It has always been like that since male & female.  That's why guys on the football teams are so popular.  That's why successful musicians and bands are so popular with the girls.  An ugly man that is successful suddenly looks handsome once a female discovers he is a million or billionaire. He's so handsome with all that money.  That's number one.  But in society nowadays we have been conditioned to like other things about guys.  Good looks, personality, nice smile, sense of humor, sexy walk, nice abs, pretty car.


    Good honest answer. I've found that many women are looking for stability as well, not always money, but sometimes... yeah.

    thanks leeroy. when i say money, that's my shortcut for 'stability, security, love, happiness. But I do believe if no money most girls women are not going to stick around long enough for the PG&E to go off 3 or more times and the water to be turned off. & No gas for the car and no money for the bus and no food for the kids. lol

    ??? :D = $$$!

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