    what are the safety measures to use when a powerline is down and active electricity visable

    what do a homeowner do when a treeline has come in contact with a live powerline

    +3  Views: 1223 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    call the city to fix it

    thank you very much

    your very welcome
    I was quit worried for the children that played in my back yard..But, I lost sleep to warn them of the danger outside my patio door..In cases like that, I couldn't stay awake..But I did notify the Electrical Company..and the Police station which I felt brought a faster responds to the Danger..Just wanted to know a faster way and not having to lose sleep, being the watchman..Problem began 12am and was resolved at 2pm the next day..Thank You all for your information, leading to safety in the future..

    You could have called the police right away. They would have contacted the electric company for you. The police would have stood guard over it.
    I saw one once after a hurricane, it was so hot it turned the sand into glass, imagine what it could do to a person. Stay as far away from the thing as possible.

    Usually if you call the power company they will get there very quickly. I would guard it to make sure no children get anywhere near it.
    Dont touch the powerline

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