    What do you think about the New FDA Warning lables for cigeretts?

    They show graphic photos of trake patieants, rotted teeth and cancerous gums, ect...
    I think it is fine if that is going to help ppl to quit.. However in turn they could show abused children, deadly car accidents and battered weman on every bottle of booze and can of beer.. Fair is fair.

    +3  Views: 370 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago
    ed shank

    You gotta be kidding me. First I've heard of it. I like the liquor analogy.

    3 Answers

    I agree with your thoughts Jenn. Yes, let's put pictures like that on alcohol bottles and at the bottom of glasses and mugs in a bar or pub.

    None of the pictures on cig packs will cause me to stop smoking. Hopefully it will stop/deter kids though.
    Great comment on the labelling of alcohol,would be a good thing.However we do have advertisments posted on bus shelters and billboards about the grief and damage that alcohol causes.More adds the better.As for the ciggies,it hasnt detered me (unfortunately).
    I know the pictures are for a good reason, but I don't believe they will deter anyone from smoking. The only thing that will stop people from smoking is finding out they have COPD or emphysema.

    I would still smoke even then. I'm one of those heard heads, lol

    I finally quit after 3 years of the Doctor hounding me. I was a hard head too. But one bout of bronchitis when I couldn't catch my breath and was turning blue did it for me. Was told each time I got it would be worse than the time before. I was scared.
    ed shank

    Even that won't stop most smokers.

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