    thanks to peoplelover and 6 dogs 4us for the karma,hey peoplelover you are the only one on this site older than me...amazing.

    +3  Views: 492 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    How do you all remember ages of people on this site.. Ihave a hards time remebering their sex.

    Me too, but once in a while I see a question that someone tell their age. I guess I should keep a chart but that's kind of overboard. Usually, I'm trying to remember where everyone lives.

    I know Ann lives here in NH, daren lives south of us and knows Mass. well. Colleen used to live in NH and is in CT now.......see what I mean.

    You are impressive!!! :)
    Oops, saw another answer by PL and he says he's 79 my mistake. Hope I'll be as smart by the time I'm 79.
    not you i was refering to peoplelover, are 59 correct?

    Yep! That be me.
    You're quite welcome. I thought PL said he was 58?

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