    How can i get my twins to talk and comunicate with me

    My twins are 3 years and 5 months old. They have been diagnosed with a learning delay in speech and comprehending comunication skills. How can i help them catch up?

    0  Views: 1133 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

    make them say what they want instead of pointing and grunting. my son did that. we would play a game we called whats that. what we did was get kids books, msgs etc, and we would point to things and say whats that? and get them to name it. given lots of praise for speaking. encourage them all you can. even on the way to stores, in stores etc you can play the whats that game. let them ask you whats that now and then.
    Don't know but I wish you well Jenmom23.

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