    i've beagnoised with with uterine cancer what is my ptopnisis

    0  Views: 457 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    his section has been reviewed and approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board08/2012

    ON THIS PAGE: You will find information about how many people learn they have this type of cancer each year and some general survival information. Remember, survival rates depend on several factors. To see other pages, use the menu on the side of your screen.

    This year, an estimated 52,630 women in the United States will be diagnosed with uterine endometrial cancer. It is estimated that 8,590 deaths from this disease will occur this year. Uterine cancer is the fourth most common cancer and the seventh most common cause of cancer death for women in the United States. Although uterine cancer rates are higher among white women than black women, black women are more likely to die from uterine cancer than white women.

    The one-year relative survival rate is the percentage of people who survive at least one year after the cancer is detected, excluding those who die from other diseases. For uterine cancer, the one-year relative survival rate is 92%. The five-year survival rate for a woman with a local (without spread) uterine cancer at diagnosis is about 95%. If the cancer is diagnosed with regional spread, the five-year survival rate is about 68%, and if diagnosed after the cancer has spread more distantly, it is  17%.

    Cancer survival statistics should be interpreted with caution. These estimates are based on data from thousands of people with this type of cancer in the United States each year, but the actual risk for a particular individual may differ. It is not possible to tell a woman how long she will live with uterine cancer. Because the survival statistics are measured in multi-year intervals, they may not represent advances made in the treatment or diagnosis of this cancer. Learn more about understanding statistics.

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