    did george washington 'own' any slaves

    is it true that g w owned some slaves

    0  Views: 346 Answers: 1 Posted: 13 years ago

    1 Answer

    Yes, he owned many but was said to have treated them well.

    "George Washington was a slave owner for most of his life. His will ultimately emancipated his slaves upon the death of Martha Washington. "

    "Before the American Revolution, Washington expressed no moral reservations about slavery, but by 1778 he had stopped selling because he did not want to break up slave families."

    "Washington was the only prominent, slaveholding Founding Father to emancipate his slaves. He did not free his slaves in his lifetime, however, but instead included a provision in his will to free his slaves upon the death of his wife. William Lee, Washington's longtime personal servant, was the only slave freed outright in the will. The will called for the ex-slaves to be provided for by Washington's heirs, the elderly ones to be clothed and fed, the younger ones to be educated and trained at an occupation. Washington did not own and could not emancipate the "dower slaves" at Mount Vernon."

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