    what causes inflammation in the body?

    Is it lack of antioxidants?

    +1  Views: 1060 Answers: 2 Posted: 13 years ago

    2 Answers

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    Did you know that inflammation is the common link between such debilitating conditions as Alzheimers, heart disease, cancer, and arthritis?

    Did you know inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind the visible signs of aging?

    Inflammation is a wellness buzz-word these days, and for good reason. If you reduce inflammation in your body, you'll not only look and feel younger, but you'll significantly lower your risk for chronic disease!

    What is Inflammation?

    Inflammation is your body's response to stress - whether from your diet, lifestyle or environment. Think of what happens when you catch a cold. You may experience inflammation in the form of a fever as your body heats up to eradicate the effects of the invading virus.

    This kind of inflammation is good, but the modern epidemic of chronic, low-grade inflammation destroys the balance in your body. When your body's systems experience a constant inflammatory response, you become more susceptible to aging and disease.

    What Causes Inflammation?

    Body Ecology believes that one of the main causes of inflammation is low-grade bacterial, viral, and fungal infections in the bloodstream and organs like the stomach and gastro-intestinal tract.

    For example, H pylori is a bacteria in the stomach that contributes to inflammation and the development of ulcers. H pylori is present in 50% of adults over 60 years old and in 20% of adults under the age of 40!

    As you can see, inflammation is quite common and caused by more than just pathogenic organisms.

    Other causes of inflammation include:
    ?Chronic low-grade food allergies or food sensitivities that may cause few symptoms.
    ?An imbalance of bacteria and fungi in your gastrointestinal tract, also known as dysbiosis. This causes your immune system to overreact to bacteria in your gut and can be without notable symptoms.
    ?Stress! Constant psychological, emotional or physical stress raises the level of cortisol, creating inflammation. For more on the effects of stress on your body, read How Stress Creates A Double-Whammy Threat to Your Health.
    ?Environmental toxicity from our air, water, food pollutants and toxic metals like mercury and lead all contribute to inflammation and have been linked to diseases as varied as endometriosis and cancer.
    ?Diet and lifestyle: too much fat, sugar, and protein in your diet, constant dehydration, consumption of too many sodas or caffeine, inactivity, and lack of sleep can all increase inflammation in your body

    The Lasting Effects of Inflammation

    Symptoms of inflammation include:
    ?Visible signs of aging like wrinkles.
    ?Susceptibility to bacterial, fungal, and viral infections.
    ?Acid reflux
    ?Skin conditions like psoriasis and acne.
    ?Chronic pain
    ?High blood pressure
    ?Heart disease
    ?Urinary tract infections

    How to Reduce Inflammation

    To restore your body's balance, we recommend going "back to basics" with both diet and lifestyle.
    ?The Body Ecology program is perfect for eliminating viral and fungal infections, increasing your mineral intake, eliminating sugar and balancing all of your nutrients in a way that supports your health and vitality.
    ?Following the 7 principles of the Body Ecology Diet allows you to heal your body of inflammation, reduce the damaging effects of aging and giving you plenty of energy.
    ?Reduce stress - which is easier said than done. Read this week's article on The Healing Power of Touch
    ?Get plenty of sleep. For more information read Trouble Sleeping? Why Winter is the Ideal Time to Learn How to Sleep Right!
    ?Soak up the Sun - Vitamin D, available from sunlight, is an easy way to effectively stop inflammation.

    6 dogs, I drank a bottle of water as I read this article. today I'm going to start living a more healthy life. right after this I will exercise ~just turn on music and dance to whatever for 30 minutes.
    I'm aware of a lot of health advice. However, time goes by and I need a jolt. "the lasting effects of inflammation" gave me such a jolt.
    I was surprised to read "soak up the sun"-vitamin d, available from sunlight, is an easy way to effectively stop inflammation."
    I've been warned for years to stay out of the sun ~ causes skin cancer, I've heard.
    ( looks like a good site - one that isn't confusing) thank you.

    You know, I've never really tried to be healthy. The older I got the more my body seemed to want certain things. I had my gallbladder out 20 years ago and started to not feel good about eating meat because it sat like a rock in my stomach, so I stopped eating it. Then for some reason salt was too salty, sugar was too sweet, so I stopped eating them too. The dogs require daily walks and in the winter time when it's cold (I hate the cold) I walk on my treatmill, I feel better after walking for about 20 minutes. And it keeps going the older I get.

    I also have stayed out of the sun, but realized it was good for you in small doses. I garden for a short time and then go inside. I wear pants and t shirts instead of bathsuit.
    hmmmm .... would be my Q_________ . don't get the q. ty expert. I do understand what you said.

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