    Are bats diving on our swimming pool dangerous?

    Every evening this month around dusk some little bats fly down and appear to be getting a drink from our swimming pool. They do this with us in the pool. I think it is a little frightening. Do they bite?

    +1  Views: 3221 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    They may be catching insects but in any case bats are harmless unless you live in S America where vampire bats live.
    Very rarely, bats have been infected with rabies.
    Yes, they are drinking water. Most bats won't bother anyone, they are more interested in finding insects to eat - not people. Relax and enjoy watching them. I have a bat house in my backyard, they help keep the mosquito population down and they're fun to watch. We had one a few years ago that we named, we called him Barney the Bat.
    Bats can bite. I'm not so sure they will do well drinking chlorinated water though. I would suggest you stay out of your pool at dusk or perhaps put a netting over it.

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