Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death
I have never heard this before that JFK did requested reports about UFOs.
7 Answers
every one seems to have a theory, weather it be the mob, cia illuniniti, castro ...perhaps we'll never know the truth, thats cause the 'goverment' dosen't want us to know! if they dont want us to know more than likely it was a covert 'goverment" operation. only god knows what else they are hidding fom us!!
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
I've heard the mafia theory before, JFK's dad was a bootlegger. All of these theories have interesting angles to them.
Hi. I would say no one really knows why JFK was killed. As far as I have found all presidential assassinations to date have been made, or attempted, by individuals with their own reasons. Regan's attempt was classic. One demented man looking to impress a woman. So I doubt if aliens was a reason or if there was anyone else involved other than the alleged assassin. You could provide for a theory of your own. I personally think it was the involvement against Russia or Communism since Oswald had been to Russia and seemed to have pro Russian feelings. But that is my guess. Good luck.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
JFK was killed as a result of orders from an over-zealous Vice President who wanted to be President. The actual "hit" was carried out by European Mob members because Johnson & Company didn't want any link to them through his American Mob connections. Watch a documentary which appears occasionally on the History Channel entitled "The Men Who Killed Kennedy"....very informative.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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