    how to attract women for dating ??

    How to interest female friends in dating ??

    0  Views: 481 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    9 Answers

    Shave, drag a comb through your hair, mouthwash, deodorant, change your underwear, or at least turn them inside out. Your now ready to rock and roll. P.S. Make sure your shoes are on the correct foot.

    THis is too funny!
    Making them laugh is a start as I always was attracted to men who had a great sense of humor....made me relax, something I always have had a hard time doing! (:

    that would have been my answer laugh and the world laughs at you or is with you!
    Show interest and be a fun person that they would want to hang out with.
    If they are already friends... you my be out of luck.. there are some girl who draw a pretty firm line between friendship and romance. But those are the smart ones.. So dont be down be proud of them.. Have them hook you up.
    dress nice, groom yourself, BRUSH YOUR TEETH, act like a gentleman, and please, dont scratch you know where.
    Be yourself
    I think a good sense of humor,would help,but I also thing laugh is the trick,and cleanness is important,don't be smelling like a skunk.
    use my photo and thats sure to attract them. lol
    Learn to play an instrument.That usually attracts the opposite sex.

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