    Custody court cases where the father who is bipolar and mother is homosexual is given sole custody of the child

    who will the court give custody of child to? the bipolar father, or the homosexual mother?

    0  Views: 541 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    The mother most likely. It's being proven by many studies that children raised by homosexuals are just as well adjusted as children raised by heterosexuals. Courts will more often than not leave a child with it's mother.
    ed shank

    A gay couple is more likely, I would think to raise a child in a loving environment than a wack job father with mental issues.

    LOL, thanks Ed. My community appreciates your support even if you only had a "whack job" to compare the parenting skills too.
    My brother was awarded custody of his adopted 9 ,12 and biological 2 year old.. The mom was bi-polar and not medicated.. She was also suicidal...( I dont think she was actually suicidal I think she wanted him to stay and was trying to make him think he had to).... After she was back in good mental health, he agreed to let her have primary custody.. HE was raised by a sinlge mom who preached the need for children to be with thier moms.... Also I have a homosexual cousin, she was awarded priamry custody.
    the court will always choose the maternial mother regardles of her sexual preferance

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