    should schools give money to the students as a reward?

    0  Views: 759 Answers: 13 Posted: 13 years ago

    13 Answers

    Money for what? For doing what they go to school to do as in learn? No. I don't believe in bribing kids to do their classwork. I don't believe in the gold star system either. Some kids are just better at things than others. It makes the one who has to try really hard at something feel bad when the one who gets it easy gets all the attention.
    No. Money is not the way to reward children, all it does is spoil them for future endeavors that will only entail doing a good deed to help others and not for money.
    school is priveledge enough...
    Our Elem School gives a bike away every month for prefect attendance....after they started doing so kids stopped laying out of school unless they were really sick... There is also a reward at the end of the year for most AR pionts...(accelerated Reader... a system where kids read books and take comprehension test on the computer) I think they work really hard to win...
    Reward? Their reward is the highest grade they might get for their hard work. (i.e) A+, B+, C+ ?
    No, not school. Money matter has to be taught at home.
    Doubt our school here would do that,they are always asking the parents for money.
    Hell no.
    Their reward for doing well in school is a good 'money making' job after they graduate from school...

    How's that for your answer?? Jeesh..
    Learning IS the reward. if they don't want to learn or if they cant be bothered just remember, walmart always need shelf stacker's! ;-)

    Or there's always McDonalds and flipping burgers or making french fries ;)
    They might spend it on cigarettes and drugs.
    Well, I don't have kids, but it would seem that they would learn the value of a dollar and receive an education. Possibly, it might be a great form of motivation. It's all fine and good to just say "well, they damn better learn of work for Wal-Mart", but the future of our nation depends on the kids and their education. Also, it doesn't seem to me to be going particularly well using the old tried and true methods, now does it? We're a laughing stock when it comes to math and science compared to the rest of the world. Who knows, it could end up costing us a lot less because of the benefits we would get from a better educated work force. Then there is the fact that most kids don't appreciate rewards in the abstract. HOwever, money is another matter. But, like I said, I'm not a parent, you people are the experts.
    yes because they r rich jerks who dont care about people

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