    Will Humans Ruin The earth

    global warming,oil spills,violence,immoralty and other envirionmental disasters " iknow this question as been asked proberly before, but I was not this site then"

    +20  Views: 2555 Answers: 30 Posted: 13 years ago

    Good question Mel. TU to you

    Thanks Varon lol

    30 Answers

    yes undoubtly were well on our way too. earth was a perfect place till god made man, if you think about it this goes all the way back to the beginning of time.although not all disasters are caused by man they all affect man.between the gulf oil spills,japans nucular leaks,chernubol, factory pollution, carbon minoxide freight train catastophies.. the list goes on.. the question remains will natural disasters or our own appitite for destruction do us in? im sorry to say but a bit more man than nature is to blame. a nucular weapon is not a creation of nature.........
    Headless Man

    We may ruin our life's but I believe the earth will outlast us.

    Thanks Daren lol

    well you asked mel...
    Will they, they already have!

    yes. i agree. it's too bad. sad. some song plays in my head "greed is the unraveling"

    thank you lol
    Yes. It started long ago and now its very noticible in our enviroment. Wars, Floods, Fire, Hurricanes, volcanos,shotage of food

    Yes, they are trying. But the earth is a living and breathing entity it fights back with wars, and enviromental Disasters.With all our Technology, man will eventually self destruct.


    Thanks Ann lol
    It sure is a shame how especially in third world countries we pollute our own water supplies, and there are few or no regulations on industry.

    It is a shame,you'd think we would of smart-up by now,
    Well I think it to late to do anything about it,unless u start a war, and if we had to do all over again what would we change,that would really make a difference?
    I quest that a little to late to be asking.TK.

    Well, China won't sign the clean air pact, neither will India, that's why the U.S. supposedly wouldn't either. It has to be a world wide movement to be effective. If half the world pollutes and the other half is using green technology, the world still gets polluted.

    Thanks Leeroy lol
    Money and large corporations that are owed favors by politicians seem to get their way as usual. The system is corrupt, as well as it must be a world wide movement. If only some countries use green technologies while the other countries pollute everything the world is still going to be in bad shape...
    The populations of birds are all in such decline that many are no longer seen. I know that birds once filled the skies, that their numbers would darken the skies in their passage. We are dying along with our loss of creatures around us. All of the causes for their decline is because we did what we have done and continue to do. Our way of life is incompatible with our environment and since we are dependent upon our environment to survive as a species we cannot survive our own ways. Radical change is what is necessary to correct this situation and what form this change takes is up to us. The industry and governments are obviously unable to consider what would have the desired effect. Many people have attempted to chart a course or take steps that would bring about this change. Many think that God will Reach here and fix the problem that we all made. But that is why we are here. To remedy this problem. It is not impossible to solve this problem and the solution does not involve war, but rather our collective and reasonable expression of good since and a common resolve to appropriately care for our world.

    I totally agree with you. I like to sit outside on my garden swing and watch and listen to the birds. They are all gone. I cant imagine a world without birds.

    Thank you again Robert lol
    What is it that you see ? That men hasn't already mess up. We are creature of self destruction,Sorry but that just the way we are.

    Thanks Facebook lol
    In one word - Yes.

    Thank you lol
    Strange as it may seem we are in charge of what is happening here. The industrialist & political leaders accept our dollars as VOTES for their on-going success. If you call up to tell someone in their administrative offices they will happily thank you for your message and reply that yours was the first complaint they ever received about their service, even if the National Guard is at their gate to shut them down.
    If you are going to bring down the fuel industry it does not take a genius to replace their heating oil and fuel with a product of your own making that works just as well or better. I make paint occasionally because its easy and cheap and often works better. Batteries are simple, Hydrogen for heat and hot water, paper products, plastics and medicines. The reason I don’t make all these things is because doing that takes my time and effort. My free time is worth more to me than competing with the cost of fuel. Our industry does all that quite inexpensively.
    When I understood this I realized that the problem could be the fact that I think there are no birds…therefore I see no birds, my belief in no birds denies me seeing birds because my brain seeks to serve me by giving me what I believe is true even if it isn’t true.

    Thanks Robert lol
    Some people care more about making a buck than they do the environment which, to me, is a form of insanity. What's the point of making a lot of money when no one will be around to spend it?

    Some people think they can eat the stuff,when there no more food on the table.What then is all that money have any nourishment?

    Thanks Ms Sinclair lol
    What haven't we screwed up yet?

    just havent we !
    The earth is in Gods hands and we can't ruin it, it has an amazing way of taking care of itself.

    Oh I prey we do quick !
    we all need to be responsible for this problem. one day I just started picking up trash at the beach, you would'nt believe how much I got, which made me angry at ppl who do this.

    Quite agree Bevs when I am out walking I take a carrabag and start picking up beer cans water bottles crisp pkts ect its heart breaking as some of this rubish will effect our wild life

    am the same mel - always clearing up outside this house - we are six flats in one house - trying to move. I look like the bag lady clearing the street from litter - I try to do this in the dark as once when in uniform a man asked me what was I doing - you are a nurse - I said yes but I live here. You would not believe what I have cleared up.
    Unless the whole world jumps in on this problem, nothing will clean our environment. We all know that's not going to happen. I was recently turned down by the community board to expand my dock. I was turned down because they discovered a rare mosquito in that area and was designated "wet lands". I spend hundreds of dollars a year trying to get rid of mosquitos, and government is telling me "hands off". The same is happening on a much bigger scale, we don't drill because a Moose might be made uncomfortable. We force car companies to build engines that have to get 1,000 miles to the gallon because of "our" strict EPA regulations. There must be compromise. Humans first, bugs and animals second.

    thanks ed oh so true in what you are saying
    Global warming, oil spills, violence, immorality--- will destroy the life on the earth but the earth will remain.

    "the earth will remain".....I don't think so.

    Thank you Randy I do hope the earth will remain and do hope you are right thanks for the comment
    No, only politicians who make bad decisions destroy everything.

    There were women healers and nurtures of this planet who long ago gently and lovingly kept harmony between mankind and nature. For one reason or another we gave up that power to men, who then become the dominant force in our destinies. Through theire militant and brutal subjugation of Nature and Her life forms, the world today teeters on on the brink of destruction, the magnitude of which has never been seen before. Dangers to the health of the planet, plants, animals and people are all around us, the depletion of the earths ozone layer, rapidly diminishing rain forests, widespread pollution of our air, water and food by industry and agribusiness. Acid rain is releasing the earths  mineral aluminum, which now contaminates vast areas of water supplies and crops growing in the soil.Therei is growing evidence, that Aluminum plays a major role in Alzheimers, mental disorders, learning disabilities and Senile Dementia. Toxic food additives and preservartives have produced indisputable evidence of health hazards. OTher countries having banned the more toxic chemicals in foods and livestock feeds have pleaded with our government to do the same, but to no avail. Little known, but seriously affecting our health are are the noxious energyfields by mans overelectricfication of the planet. It is effecting the earths own electromagnetic fields.. Serious studies in Europe have revealed an increase in chronic degenerative diseases. malignancies and bizarre behavior in people and animals living in these fields. There are early warning signs that Mother Earth is convulsing. Through her powerful forces She will wipe the slate clean of all life and puny man will be helpless to prevent it. Its not too late, but we are running out of time.                       Gloria Dodd.


    Thank you Ann for such indept very true in what you are saying we dont know the half of it thank you Ann LOL
    Yes, we better find another earth for our descendants!
    Headless Man


    thanks for that schubee

    u betcha  we will  we're like a cancer to the planet


    thanks matheneyg yes I think your right we will ruin the earth

    Yes I feel Man will ruin the planet - the priorities are all wrong - human beings are so very thoughtless and careless with this beautiful planet .Only interested in personal gain.  


    thanks dopey for your comment!



    Thanks fish girl you are right we do need to smarten uk Quick xxx

    I think we are all guilty of ruining the earth, we are all a bit to blame, and we can all make a difference by doing our bit . But when you look back over history the earth (or maybe its God)  has had a way of making thinks better at times.


    you are right we are all guility lets hope so God intervenes thanks sunnyB xxxx

    Have we not done it yet ?


    we have all been giulity one way and another thanks for the answer xx

    I hope, God will take care for the earth.

    Only he can help and  kill those ruining the eart.


    sheryVW thank you for your answer I do hope he will intervene xx

    God does not kill. Stop making Him to be a monster.

    Sure he will intervene.
    he will "destroy them which destroy the earth".
    Read Rev. 11:18.

    He in your book does not mean the real God. I do not believe Jesus is God. "He" could be what you call Satan. Only a negative power can kill and destroy, not a positive one. Killing and destruction belongs to the negative, not a loving God. Every single human ever to have existed would be a part of the destruction of earth by mere existence and even the smallest abuse of the planet. Would your god destroy every soul ever created? Use the mind that God gave you to really think about this. Biblical verses are not proven words of God. Only the followers believe they are true through kool-aid fed faith alone. God is not a monster, stop insulting Him or you may have to be accountable for the false words you parrot.

    Grow up!

    Doolittle cries- we were made stewards of the earth and the animals & we have really really really messed things up!  Some animals that were in abundance 25 years ago are near extinction. we must try to stop polluting and start holding the earth and its animals sacred!


    doolittle I feel pain in your words and its so sad that I feel the pain as well for our Animals thank you for being for the animals xoxox

    Have they not already done so?


    How tru is that Darci thank you xxx

    Destroy the earth ?????????  Uh.  NO.   I guess we can all get real gusshy inside and let our imaginations run away with us but  .......  Scientists estimate the earth is around 4.5 to  4.6 million years old.   Thats old.  That estimate comes from measuring various mineral deposits etc. etc. and also radiometric age dating.    The earth has dealt with huricanes, floods, earthquakes, lightning,  tornados,  atomic bomb tests and bombing,  oil spills,  nuclear waste,  Hitler,  Obama,  Jesse James etc etc etc etc etc.    GLOBAL WARMING ?????   If the earth creates all this stuff from its own materials  .......................  How in the HELL is it going to destroy  ITSELF ????     Mother Nature has a way of healing herself.   We won't destroy it.   We may destroy some of ourselves  .....  The earth WILL survive.   And you can bet on it ....   


    pioneer2 very good answer and very interesting what you had to say I DO HOPE you are right but dont you think there is so much Mother Nature can cope with !! thanks again for the imput

    Remember what they say Melanie ... Don't mess with Mother Nature..... My best to you.

    Gonna get a lot of opinions for this question, might as well add mine !

    Toooo many people on the planet.  Fodder for inventions to transport, feed, entertain, medicate, the mass of  humanity.   Too much to control.  Shouldn't need huge governments to control  the activities of those seeking fortunes by filling the needs of so many by mining the earth's natural resources.  Mining not just underground but using up everything animal, vegetable or mineral, that isn't human.  What was the question again?


    caddam so so true in what your saying thank you x

    caddam sorry it wont let me give you a TU will try later x

    probably because then the earth will get all muddy and all the seas will be brown and orange and the land will just be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo  UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    momo 123 thank you for your answer but I dont quite understand what you are saying never mind x

    "" Not while cool cats are around...


    here here! eggie xxxx

    eggie sorry it wont let me TU have tried now 5 times will give it another go later oxoxox

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