    Are you for or against medical testing on animals?

    +12  Views: 3675 Answers: 27 Posted: 13 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Thumbs up buddy! Great question. I hope my answers puts things in perspective. How about Thumbs up all around. Here is one for you!


    These are the kind of questions we need more of, TY Volcane

    Myself I am totally against it.

    27 Answers

    I'm thinking of the thousands of animals who suffered tragically and died in pain so a woman can put make up on and not get a rash or something. I wear no make up and never have because of that. I know there's make up out there now that does not use animals as test subjects but I've gone my life without make up, there is no reason to do anything different. I do not use perfumes either. I try to avoid anything that has used animals as test subjects. Sometimes it's not possible but I do try to avoid it.

    Animal lovers and those who are against the use of animals for research will want to see this.


    Oh so good thanks Colleen

    Thanks for link, but I felt I could not watch it,as I feel from your answer Colleen, its not very good, I mean I cant stand, any thing, that makes any animal suffer.

    Couldnt watch it Colleen but thank you for the thread for others to watch :-)

    Testing of ANY KIND should NEVER be done on animals. Cosmetics also included for medical testing to ensure a woman would not have an adverse reaction to the makeup.
    If experimenting on 1 Million cats and dogs will save my sons life, I will catch them and bring them to the lab myself. Choosing an animal over human life, what are you people thinking? I've owned animals and treated them well. I would never what them to suffer, but to choose between my cat and a cure for cancer, well the cat loses. Where is the outcry for dissecting human cadavers? How dignified is that? Desecration of a human body. Oh well, there dead. Something wrong here people.

    The something wrong here is you ed shank.Its people with your barbaric outlook that make it possible for these animals to be tortured, abused, maimed and ( if they are lucky ) killed.
    If everyone who thought like you went inside any of these labs, and had to see what these animals had to endure for the sake of science, then I truly believe you too would be against it.
    If you or anyone else can do that, for a whole week, and still believe in animal research, then I will change my opinion! Any takers?

    I couldn't agree with you more,Ed. Unfortunately,there are too many humans that believe that the life of an insect is equal to that of man.
    ed shank

    Digger, we live in strange times. Lots of Bughuggers out there.

    VERY MUCH AGAINST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They have used medical testing in animals for years, yet have come up with very little. I call them the "Mad Scientists" They seem to be inhuman, for torturing and killing these  innocent creatures that God has given to us. It  makes me weep and it needs to stop.


    good answer Ann :-)

    Ann, you and I, think alike, Thanks for your support.
    Given the choice of human or animal testing…I prefer animal testing. I have been involved in human testing as a child and if you saw what I saw, nothing would contain your desire to murder those involved. My friends and acquaintances died routinely and their bodies incinerated. It was a miracle that I escaped. I told everyone who would listen and I was said to be insane. "That sort of thing doesn’t happen in the United States”... I was told, repeatedly. The history of human testing using living people has continued since the rise of the Roman Empire and probable before that. That we don’t see anything about it in the popular press would mean things like that are not happening and we can live comfortable not knowing about such issues as current events.
    Against but there are some that claim to be human i would sacrifice for the cause .....just kidding I am against

    Yes Darci13, have thoes people who have been found 100% guilty, and are on Death Row, for experments, make space on the row, for more loosers.
    If done in the name of medical progress to help make the lives of people better, it is marginally acceptable. All other lab testing i.e. cosmetics etc. should be done away with.

    Indeed against, for we as (supposed) higher beings owe our benevolence to lessor beings. We are animals also, but being of a higher conscious mind.  By this understanding only, will we know better.  We would find it a horror if it were done on the "man" kind of animal. We must not experment on the innocent!  For they are of a much greater purity for they are perfect.  Indeed much more pure then we, who call ourselves men, not even knowing the significence of that word, men or man.  Indeed we are not truly men until each individual finds that True Man within himself.  For only then will he find the capacity for benevolence; this is divine.;


    Very good answer.
    AGAINST - I think it's disgusting the way they treat animals to get further in medicine. The people working in these animal testing labs are like zombies who could care less about how they pick the animal up or how hard they jab a needle in their side. I've had a lot of family members pass away from Cancer and other illnesses but I can't in any way condone they way they treat animals in order to "maybe" get a little bit further on something. The human race is; and will most likely always be, entirely selfish.



    Well said Radar.

    No No No NO it has been proven that we do not need to test on animals ever go to peta- wwf they wll tell you that there is know need for this in this day and age just as they keep testing cancer on rats and mice its all old hat and in the costmetic ind its digusting what they do to cats skin and thier eyes not going to say anymore as I get too upset and angry


    Mel, I feel the same way. It is so upsetting and and it makes me physicially ill.
    Headless Man

    Show me where it has been proven?

    Hi randy what I am saying that most of these test have never come to any conclusion in testing on animals what some sites are saying is that it really doesnt matter with testing on animals as they are a different spieces to us and we have different Dna and different cells I have worked with one of the top cancer researchers in the world she even got nighted for her work in that field of cancer research and she catagorically says it was useless testing on animals they were no more forward than ten years previuose and if you go on the web well I dont have to tell you as you a inteligent man you know what to look for, probley more than me. thanks for the comment

    Thank you Ann I am with you though I know I will have the cat out of the bag with my veiws on animals well done for the 70k lol

    Why don't you take your 100 monkeys to the abortion clinics and save the little baby's that are being murdered by the millions.I've had about 7 amputations caused by bone cancer. You can't eat drink or breathe the air anymore because man has to pollute everything.It's a fact mankind has to destroy everything that he touches.All for the love of money.I watched them milk a cow that had puss coming from her tits if you think that's safe then why not go to Japan and drink some radio active water.Oh no you wouldn't do that you know better.But you'll drink milk from that pussy tit.So don't swear at me i just voiced my opinion.


    papa peg, I agree with you 100%

    I'm against the cruelty that i just watched on think there are more humane ways to get food.And i think they have a cure for cancer.But if they cured all cancer there would be a whole lot of jobs and funding lost.Not to mention all the millions of research centers and labatorys.




    I'm with papa peg on this one. I think the having a cure for cancer certainly brings up a lot of thought and questions. I’m not entirely sold on that fact though. I do however, think it's disgusting the way they treat animals to get further in medicine. The people working in these animal testing labs are like zombies who could care less on how they pick the animal up or how hard they jab a needle in their side. I've had a lot of family members pass away from Cancer and other illnesses but I can't in any way condone they way they treat animals in order to "maybe" get a little bit further on something. The human race is; and will most likely always be, entirely selfish. My heart goes out to you and your wife PeopleLover.
    ed shank

    I'm with PL on this. An animals life over a humans. You have got to be kidding.

    having seen the video l am with you.Laws shd be made to stop the cruelty and enforced.cows and other food animals shd be protected.most times I see SPCA seem to concetrate on dogs ponies and other pointless animals.l dont see them defending livestock.

    I'm sorry but it's not necessary to experiment on animals or humans.. the ambitious kind call it 'progress', but technological advancement is too fast for our species to adapt to it, and humans and animals suffer for it. Where do you draw the line? It's a learning experience, it is.. there really is no hurry. Evolution will happen naturally whether you become scientific.. or not.

    I saw a t.v. show where they were growing a human ear on a lab mouse, it was pretty disgusting, but the benefits of SOME of this research will give wounded veterans a chance at reconstructive surgery. They were using stem cells to grow many different parts of the body. Most of the companies who do this type of research say that animal research is absolutely necessary.

    I have had pets my whole life and love animals and nature, but if it's going to benefit millions of humans, I think it may be worth it!

    If you lived somewhere and had a major disaster hit, would you eat animals to survive? Most people would give in even vegans.


    sounds like a dollar eachway to me are you a politician

    Actually, I almost ran for state senate once. I love animals and personally wouldn't want to hurt them, but if It could help put a wounded veteran back together, I would be for helping human kind. I suppose I am a little divided on the issue.

    Everyday i see at least ten different law firms suing drug companies.Why because the drugs that they tested and killed all those poor animals with.Are killing the people that they are suppose to be helping.So kill a million animals make a hundred new drugs then take 99 of them off the shelves.And sue the drug company that killed all the animals for nothing.well that really doesn't make a lot of sense to me.


    Quite agree papa its absolutley ridiculously stupid god bless those poor animals who have suffered for us and no gain came out of it thanks again Papa :-)

    Why don't you take your 100 monkeys to the abortion clinics and save the little baby's that are being murdered by the millions.I've had about 7 amputations caused by bone cancer. You can't eat drink or breathe the air anymore because man has to pollute everything.It's a fact mankind has to destroy everything that he touches.All for the love of money.I watched them milk a cow that had puss coming from her tits if you think that's safe then why not go to Japan and drink some radio active water.Oh no you wouldn't do that you know better.But you'll drink milk from that pussy tit.So don't swear at me i just voiced my opinion.

    Definitely for it. As harsh as it may be, It saves millions of lives. We eat animals so what is the difference? I wish there was another way but, as of now there is not one. Would you rather a couple of mice or pigs died but, b/c of the science we gained from these animals your Mom is alive b/c of it.

    Only if it is necessary to save human lives and providing it does not cause unnecessary suffering.
    All surgeons need to update and improve their skills and knowledge. Other wise I would have been in a wheel chair long ago instead of walking about with prosthetic joints.

    True, we have learnt a great deal from using animals to test certain things, and a lot of people have benefited from that. I must admit that i never did like the animals used for the smoking project, and i have smoked for 50 yrs, and gained nothing.
    We still, have cancer, it has never been proved that smoking causes cancer only that its bad for your health, and of course there are people that have/had cancer and never i dont dig that argument. The frightening thing in using animals is the fact that they feel pain like we do, and my mind is really not made up as to whether its a good or bad thing, i believe that we have a great deal more to learn in the medical field. and i have certainly gained a lot from that knowledge, how we continue to get it i dont know.

    I am absolutely against testing anything on animals.  Why don't they use prisoners instead!  Criminals might think twice about committing crimes if this was their fate!

    I'm very much against it. Animals should NEVER be tortured or killed--especially mammals, b/c they are living , breathing souls, like us. Let people be tested for new drugs and procedures.

    It all comes down to this. Human life or animal life? Many cures to previously devistating diseases have been made possible through the sacrifice of animals. It may sound heartless but, I value human life over animal. Sorry

    I say yes, every time I think of how many babies are protected with vaccines, one example.  I have a grandson who was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism at 5 days old.  If not for animal research, he would have been another poor child afflicted with mental retardation.  The studies revealed that information, now every newborn is blood tested for this, and many more diseases.  Countless diseases are controlled or prevented due to animal research.  How else could we get reliable results in research?  We cannot use prisoners as they would not yield good results, animals are cleaner living than diseased and drugged out criminals!  Thank you science!  If someone disagrees, they should donate their body to research, not after death, now...

    news flash silly people of the world animals dont have souls we are to be good stewards and never abuse gods creation,but if 100 monkeys die to save 1 child from suffering march in the monkeys now
    news flash silly people of the world animals dont have souls we are to be good stewards and never abuse gods creation,but if 100 monkeys die to save 1 child from suffering march in the monkeys now

    They are sinless and DO have souls!!!!!

    you keep on thinking that if you want to but its not true
    Headless Man

    I agree, but the animals still need no unnecessary suffering.
    papa peg

    Do they kill 100 monkeys every time a baby is aborted.Oh i forgot a fetus isn't really a life or is it.You say to be good stewards and not to abuse GOD'S creation.Well i think were abusing GOD'S creation every day.

    NO. we MUST test it on amimals. or we need test it on peoples? anyway, we need medicaments.

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