    Have you dialed 911 before?

    +4  Views: 2202 Answers: 18 Posted: 14 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    I got you for my mess up sorry.

    18 Answers


    No, and hope I don't ever have to.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Heres a vote for you friend.

    we have called a few times... This one was epic! I picked up my husband for an anniversary dinner from work... the next morning he grabs the phone and tells the 911 operator that some one stole his truck... I am standing behind him saying... hang up the phone.. he said no someone stole my truck.. I said it is in the parking lot at work... he said me bad I found it... 15 mins later the cops show up asking if everything was ok... It was great!!!!!

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Hi Jenn Heres a vote for you, friend.

    I live in the heart of Chicago, of course I have. It sucks now though as we're charged on our phone bills for this so-called service. It's a buck or two a pop. Ridiculous huh?!

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Heres a vote for you friend.

    ole hipster

    Yes I'm serious, I've checked my bills. Chicago sucks with everything that you're charged for, taxation is rampant. I don't believe it's always been this way, however, don't know when it started.


    Are you serious? Has it always been like that?

    I'm almost on a first name basis with 911.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Heres a vote for you friend.

    I was riding my bicycle a few weeks ago and I hit a car that was turning at a slow speed. I didn't get hurt but I called 911 to have the police come to the scene just in case. The operator asked me if I needed an ambulance and I told her no. Her response was "we will send one anyway" Soon one showed up with a fire truck close behind. Because I wasn't transported to the hospital the cop didn't even fill out a report, go figure! Another time I called 911 and was put on hold, never again.

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Heres a vote for you friend.

    Yes, about 3 years ago when my wife had palpitation.  The paramedic came.  I subscribed to paramedic service ($40 a year) and I was not required to pay any bill. 

    Yes. Two cars hit head on right in front of me. Thankfully no fatalities

    I live by a high school, what do you think?

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Heres a vote for you friend.

    Yes i have called tripple zero,as this is our emergency number in Australia.Numerous times i have witnessed my female neighbour literally getting bashed by her partner in our communal driveway.

    It took our county forever to get the 911 system up and running. We had a surcharge on our phone bill for about 5 years for 911 service until they finally got it all set up. During that time my wife and daughter were home alone and wife had a heart attack. Daughter couldn't find phone # for ambulance, neighbors didn't answer her frantic knocks on their door and it took too long for her to finally find the number. Worst day of our lives.  

    sure. ive had to call an ambulance for myself a few times. that pesky bleeding disorder. ive also been terrorized by a group of people. had my house set on fire with gasoline while we were sleeping  4 am. we have had a slew of problems in this city. would move if i had the funds to relocate

    ole hipster

    Do you live in Chicago like I?? Sure sounds like it!!! living in and being stuck in a big ass city doesn't it! Believe me I can sympathize....take care my friend~....(:

    Yes, I have.

    I did when i was younger, i was at my friend's house.. they picked up, and i hung up.. then they called back and my friend's mom picked up and he got in trouble.. i never got blamed.. :/

    This question has been around for awhile, but I haven't and I've got a story about 911.
    At 10 and 11, my two older sons needed to be circumcised.  The surgery was done on both in the morning and we returned home later in the afternoon with a prescription for them to stave off infection.  I went into town to get the RX filled.  The boys' dad got a call to sign some checks at work (less than two miles away), so he told the kids he'd be back pronto.
    While he was gone, the 10 year old had to pee.  There was gauze around the surgery site and the urine burned badly.  He sat down and started screaming.  The older one didn't know what else to do, so he called 911.
    Father returned to the screaming and got some scissors, thinking he would cut the gauze off and hopefully the pain would subside.  His screaming son was having none of that and continued to scream. 
    There was a knock at the door.  Father opened the door holding the scissors, with the screaming continuing in the background.  Two paramedic/firemen looked at him suspiciously. 
    "You aren't going to believe this," he told them, heading toward the bathroom, explaining the situation.  One of the medics quickly announced, "I only have daughters" and stepped aside for the other guy.


    Bob! LMAO!!!!!!!!!

    Yep, and I've had my home set on fire in the middle of the night , my tires cut in the middle of the night, and evicted for stepping in and trying to help.

    The police were kind enough to give them my name. We have Brilliant Cops here!They have the IQ of a carrot!

    Now, it depends on the situation. If rednecks are fighting, let them sort it out. If its a fire, women and children are being harmed, Yea, I have to live with myself.

    I did learn, a third party in this state has the right to shoot you if it is to save a life. In other words. If a man is beating a woman up, and you believe he is going to kill her. You have the right to shoot him DEAD!




    ......police have a tendency to make things worse sometimes.
    I'm shocked that you have been terrorized. You are about the nicest lady here.

    WOW! Thank You!

    I have and will call 911, I'm not afraid to "get involved"....

    I've called 911 people are hesitating to do so as AT&T here in Chicago charges $1.75 to place a 911 call!!!......dumb, huh? My brother told me yesterday that if you dial 112 from your cell phone for an emergency that it is free...haven't tried it yet but certainly will.......(:


    What the heck? Charging for a 911 call! What's next? Now that should be Federally Band!

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