9 Answers
I think that's cruel. If attacked, how would the creature defend itself?
country bumpkin
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
I know a girl who had her cat declawed but he was an indoor/outdoor cat and got in a fight one night and lost his eye. I agree with you 100%-declawing a cat is down right cruel and goes completely against their nature. My cat is 13 years old and she has never scratched up my furniture. This is because when I first bought her I also bought a scratching post and several times a day every day (for about 6 months)I would hold her paws up to the post and make sure she played with it therefore knowing what it was for. If you can't spend the time to train your pets properly while they are young then you should not have one. Why must the pets have to suffer because we don't know how or want to be responsible pet owners.
Typical costs:
* Declawing a cat using one of the two common conventional methods usually costs between $100 and $250, depending on the veterinarian and which procedure is used. The "Rescoe clipper" method is more common and usually falls at the lower end of the cost range because it is a simpler procedure and takes less time. The "Disarticulation" method, which is more involved, usually falls at the upper end of the range.
* Declawing a cat using the laser method usually costs between $250 and $450, depending on the veterinarian.
* Declawing a cat can be a controversial procedure, and some veterinarians do not offer the service. Other veterinarians offer it reluctantly, believing it should be a last resort. If you know you want to declaw your cat, ask about the veterinarian's stance on the procedure.
* Declawing a cat using one of the two common conventional methods usually costs between $100 and $250, depending on the veterinarian and which procedure is used. The "Rescoe clipper" method is more common and usually falls at the lower end of the cost range because it is a simpler procedure and takes less time. The "Disarticulation" method, which is more involved, usually falls at the upper end of the range.
* Declawing a cat using the laser method usually costs between $250 and $450, depending on the veterinarian.
* Declawing a cat can be a controversial procedure, and some veterinarians do not offer the service. Other veterinarians offer it reluctantly, believing it should be a last resort. If you know you want to declaw your cat, ask about the veterinarian's stance on the procedure.
13 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
After reading all comments, have decided not to declaw. To painful. We have an appointment to have soft paws put on nails. PAINLESS
13 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
you now have tu from me thank you so much, though I have never heard of soft paws could you let me know what this is cheers
In my country this is ileagal UK this is so cruel please dont do this why would you want do this just for furniture! or something else find the cat another home where it will be loved and treated in way it should be its barbaric they need thier claws to scratch and to climb and to fight and to play you will be making this poor little thing very miserable
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
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