    Who's the best Guitar player ever?

    My pick would definitely be Jimmy Page, lead guitar of led zeppelin.

    +6  Views: 8425 Answers: 65 Posted: 14 years ago
    Tags: music rock guitar


    whatashame whatasham

    Alvin Lee of "Ten Years After"


    65 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    Hank Marvin

    To me it is a tie between B.B. KING and Stevie Ray Vaughn they both are Brilllant!! """"

    The two Jimmy's of course Jimmy Page and Jimi Hendrix. How about old slow hand Eric Clapton? He was good too!!


    Good choice. Hendrix is spelled with a single M though.


    Yes, Jimi Hendrix.

    The best guitar players of all time are as follows as far as the rock and roll hall of fame says.
    1- Eric Claypton
    2-Jimmy Hendrex
    3-Jimmy Page
    3-Alvin Lee (ten years after)
    4-Jerry Garcia ( the grateful dead)
    5-Mark Knopler
    6-George Harrison (rest in peace)
    7-Brian Setzer from the Strait Cats
    8-Carlos Santana
    9-Al Dimeola
    10-BB king
    that is the top 10 past and present
    Any other questions

    Ms Sinclair

    What about Stevie Ray Vaughn?



    Philistines the lot of you!! What about the great Les Paul, it's on the best guitars,he invented the fu****g thing! Of course we must also forget Pete Townsend, Bo Didley, Muddy Waters and others that were around before the 70's.


    Holy COW... you are absolutely correct..... I am totally embarassed.

    whatashame whatasham

    No. ONE, Alvin Lee, start listening and you will agree. Who? "you are saying"

    There is NO CONTEST. The supreme artist of our time is Mark Knopfler. Period. Hence, Telegraph Road, et all.

    Second most accomplished is Richard Bennett, whose bio reads like a real life musical fairytale.

    whatashame whatasham

    Alvin Lee of "Ten Years After".

    It's like saying "What's the best car in the world"...we all have our own opinion and none of them are ;)  All the "greats" are well-covered here.

    Roy Rogers,should be in with a shout,

    Mark knofler


    I love him too (though not sure he really stands in top position)

    How about Jeff Beck. Brilliant.

    Carlos Santana is one of the top three, if not the best guitarist ever. His style is so distinctive and unique that no one sounds like him. To get a idea of how great his playing is just, listen to his song "Europa" and you'll hear his brilliance and understand why he is one of the best.

    The Shadows.
    This is hugely based on opinion, so I checked out a website that discussed this very question and will list their answers below, just for the reason of discussion..Not my opinion yet:

    Tommy Emmanuel
    Tommy Emmanuel is one of the most overall brilliant guitar players in the world, and voted best all around guitar player and entertainer in Australia. You never knew you could get so much music out of an old acoustic guitar. Tommy Emmanuel sends all of us back to school.
    Tommy Emmanuel
    Category: Rock
    Subcategory: Inspiration
    Published on: 09 Oct 2007

    Read More ...

    Eddie Van Halen
    There is before Eddie Van Halen, and then there's after Eddie. In the world of Rock Guitar, there has arguably never been another player with a greater impact on how the guitar was played. Eddie's musical sensibilities combined with chops, virtuosity and unique techniques blazed new trails for the up and coming generation to follow.
    Eddie Van Halen
    Category: Rock
    Subcategory: Inspiration
    Published on: 22 Sep 2004

    Read More ...

    Derek Trucks
    Derek Trucks is the youngest player ever to be voted into the Best 100 Guitar Players of All Time poll. When you hear Derek, you'll know why. Derek is one of the premier slide guitar players of all time, with deep southern roots and branching out to world music.
    Ritchie Blackmore
    Category: Rock
    Subcategory: Inspiration
    Published on: 02 Aug 2004

    Read More ...

    Ritchie Blackmore
    Ritchie Blackmore made his indelible impression on the 60's and 70's rock scene with Deep Purple, and later with Rainbow, and gave the world the most recognizable series of power chords in rock... Smoke on the Water.
    Ritchie Blackmore
    Category: Rock
    Published on: 20 Jul 2004

    Read More ...

    Ottmar Liebert
    Ottmar Liebert has forged a unique blend of flamenco, salsa, bossa nova, and contemporary rock and blues classics through years of study, experimentation and sheer genius. Ottmar's style will add new dimensions to the way you see and hear guitar, and you'll find classical and latin styles more accessible than ever before.
    Ottmar Liebert
    Category: Flamenco
    Published on: 09 Feb 2004

    Read More ...

    Billy Gibbons
    When you think of Billy Gibbons, you think of ZZ Top, or maybe you've heard of ZZ Top, and didn't know the name of the blues juggernaut behind the raunchy sound. The blues and rock concepts Billy relies on are simple, but packed with enough energy to keep packing in the crowds at tours around the world. ZZ Top's sound is one of the favorites of Hollywood directors and producers as well. This trio really packs a wallop!
    Billy Gibbons
    Category: Blues
    Published on: 30 Jan 2004

    Read More ...

    Adrian Legg
    Voted Guitarist Magazine's Guitar Player of the Decade, Adrian Legg is unlike ANY guitar player you have ever heard. Don't try to imitate him, because you can't. But hearing his fingerstyle in almost every guitar tuning imaginable will give you an appreciation for the depth of possibilities for the instrument that most of us only scratch the surface with.
    Adrian Legg
    Category: Acoustic Fingerstyle
    Published on: 30 Dec 2003

    Read More ...

    Gary Moore
    Gary Moore is a multi-talented blues-rock artist, and is a big favorite among many of our polled members. Gary's style is straight forward driving rock/blues, but his phrasing and licks are all original, groundbreaking and unmistakably Gary Moore signature work. Gary is a must-own artist if electric blues is your game.
    Gary Moore
    Category: Rock
    Published on: 18 Nov 2003

    Read More ...

    Joe Satriani
    Every serious rock lead guitar player should own a few Satriani albums, to hear the purest form of neo-classical and avant garde rock with high distortion. Harmonics, whammy tricks, stretching, modes, modulation, and violin-and harp-like rifts, intertwined with raunch, and heart-wrenching polyphonic acoustic work. Nobody makes music theory work quite like this guy.
    Joe Satriani
    Category: Rock
    Published on: 13 Nov 2003

    Read More ...

    Jeff Beck
    Jeff Beck is arguably the most creative and influential electric guitar player of our musical era. His work has inspired other greats such as Steve Morse, Eric Johnson and others today. Jeff was a contemporary and acquaintance of Jimmy Page and Eric Clapton, but Jeff's playing was all his own. When you think of modern electric guitar, whether it is straight up rock or jazz fusion, you think of Jeff Beck.
    Jeff Beck
    Category: Rock
    Published on: 22 Oct 2003

    Read More ...

    Steve Morse
    Steve Morse is set apart from all other guitarists by his raw speed and precision picking, underscored by classical and jazz training and unequaled songwriting and improvisational genius. Steve's licks and signature sound are among the most difficult to imitate, and seldom tried. Steve has played, toured or recorded with the Dixie Dregs, Kansas, Triumph, Lynard Skynard, the Steve Morse Band, Rush, Al DiMiola, Paco DeLucia, Manuel Barrueco and most recently, Deep Purple. Take this opportunity to be inspired by one of the most prodigious talents ever.
    Steve Morse
    Category: Rock
    Published on: 21 Oct 2003

    Read More ...

    Eric Johnson
    Eric Johnson is known for his exquisite tone, technicality, intense attention to details, raw speed, and colorful playing. His genre spans instrumental rock, jazz, country, fusion, and blues, having absorbed the styles of many of the fathers of each of these styles and amalgamating them into a powerful manifestation of his own style. If you have not listened to or studied from Eric's many available instructional offerings, you are missing an opportunity of a lifetime.

    Rory Galagher from Northern Ireland

    All great guitarist lets not forget George Benson,Wes Montgomery


    Don't forget Alvin Lee. and Robin Trower when you make you decision.

    Sem a menor d?vida, o grande GEORGE HARRISON

    i dont think that there was thebest one!most of them are in same level!

    So far I see one who got it write and for those who didnt they must have some interest in music so I would haft to say your letting your self down if you dont really listen to some Chet Atkins and after that you can go to Srevie Ray no offence intended to all the rest

    I agree absolutely with azman55, but in my own opinion, THE best guitar player is certainly Alvin Lee (Ten Years After), remember "I'm going home"...

    whatashame whatasham

    He is the best!

    Clapton rules


    Yup, I agree, they didn't nickname him "God" for no reason back in the day

    Prince is the best to play the Guitarist

    Ms Sinclair

    I love Prince too. What a great performer.

    In case you people never heard of Chet Atkins, he was by far the greatest guitar player ever. Todays guitar players couldnt even carry his guitar case!! BJ

    Jimmy Hendrix!!!


    saw hendrix at the monterey pop june 1967

    ive seen some great names and talents...but has anyone ever heard of a lil guy named satriani? amazing talent!

    Slash - Guns N Roses
    Welcome to the Jungle!



    whatashame whatasham

    Alvin Lee of "Ten Years After".

    My pick is John Mayer.


    The shadows.
    Jimi Hendrix...then Clapton..(now I have to say for sake of keeping the peace here at home with the old man) Johnny he says listen to the album "Still Alive and Well" we all have are personal faves I believe...who is your favorite and why?

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