    does black coffee act as a laxative

    0  Views: 909 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago

    5 Answers

    For those with food intolerances and allergies, it can indeed act as a laxative. It is referred to as a 'food reactor' and in some, will actually cause cramps and diarrhea.

    Interesting article here...


    Interesting indeed Ducky. I don't think I will be giving up my coffee tho.What would life be without coffee? Unimaginable.

    My dear Tommy, speaking from personal experience and not to be too graphic, I HAD to give up coffee. It was either drink tea instead (still has some caffeine) or not stray too far from the....well, you know. lol
    (How are you feeling these days? I often think of you.)

    Pretty sick to be honest Ducky.The chemo is taking it's toll.I know what your saying about the laxitive qualities of coffee too.I had to cut down.

    Aw Tommy, I'm really sorry to hear of your struggles. I pray that things get better for you.

    ....please excuse me, back shortly.

    For some, it gets ya more ways than one 

    Coffee is not a laxative,however it will help you to stay awake..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    Just as well it helps those people stay awake who experience the unfortunate reaction of it being a laxative, Terry.

    That reminds me of the old joke, about a man who went to the doctor, and said doctor I have a bowl problem. The doctor said oh are you not regular, the man said yes, I go every morning at 7am sharp. The doctor says what's the problem with that, the man said I don't wake up until 7.30am.

    LMBO :-D
    terryfossil 1

    Sunny,i drink about 15 cups of coffee a day,and it does not effect me in any way like that..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    when i was in my 20s, a patient's wife in the nursing home told me that as soon as her husband has his   coffee, zoom ! - - --he had a good bowel movement. 

     Never having had much coffee, i cannot speak to this, except once when I was with the guy I later married, I drank some coffee in the morning and then had a large, good B M . ( Not that anybody cares, but for the purpose of discussion ) 

    addendum:  it doesn't have to be black coffee to get it  going. It can be white with sugar or whatever. 

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