    if you shot a bullet out of a gun what is the maximum speed it travels before it hits something

    +1  Views: 377 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Depends on the gun.Muzzle velocity etc.
    There is not eugh info to answer this .. Like asking 2+?=?
    Your question, if I am correct, is what is the maximum speed of a bullet before it hits.
    The maximum speed of any bullet is the muzzle velocity of the weapon used taking into account all the variables, strength of charge, type of projectile (bullet) what the projectile is made of etc.

    Muzzle velocity is the speed at which the projectile leaves the muzzle of the weapon.
    A normal high powered weapon, say a rifle, is around 2,500 feet per second MUZZLE velocity. As soon as the projectile leaves the muzzle it is subject to several forces that immediately start to slow it down, air pressure, gravity,yaw, even rain all influence the gradual slowing until the projectile hits a standing object or at last the ground.
    Tell us what gun..I've got 45 ACP'S that fire a very slow slug, 900fps give or take {depends on how I load them And yes I can kick that up} Just don't get in there way. Or a 38, 357, or rifle, from a 22 rim fire to big bore... just need a little more info on what your looking at you can get several thousand fps with the right setup

    900fps MV, I could run faster than that, you would just about to be able to watch the whole trajectory.

    Years ago I had a ex US army 45 revolver I used as a secondary to my rifle when hunting wild pigs. If you got treed you could pump a couple of 45s into his mouth as he grunted up at you.My rifle was ex Australian army 303 MV 2260fps, that I had the barrell changed and rechambered to a 25 copper jacket. I necked the 303 shells down to 25 and left a few sticks of cordite out.

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