    I rent in florida and not able to pay june payment. how long am i able to stay in the house w/no payment ( not a dirt bag, have payed on time last 5 years at this house ) plz help ??????

    0  Views: 267 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    Have you tried talking to your landlord about your money issue? If you've paid on time for the last 5 years, then I'm betting your landlord would rather not lose you as a tenant and may be willing to work with you as far as your rent goes. Give that a try before you shoot for eviction.

    thanx for your ans, need to find proof of law / hate to do it to them (landlords) but i'm a single dad w/5 great kids at home ( mom got new boobs and found more fun things to do) and need to get a few $ togather to get in a place / lower mo. pament thanx again !!!!!

    Maybe after 5 years, your landlord would be willing to come down in rent for a time to keep a good paying tenant like you. Again, I would suggest you speak to him/her first.
    By law your landlord can't proceed with an eviction until your 3 months or more behind in your rent.
    You could either pay TWO months rent in July with a small late fee or live rent free till you get your eviction notice. Then your better off high tailing it out of there around 2am one night.

    thanx for your ans, need to find proof of law / hate to do it to them (landlords) but i'm a single dad w/5 great kids at home ( mom got new boobs and found more fun things to do) and need to get a few $ togather to get in a place / lower mo. pament thanx again !!!!!
    If you have kids, your good for a long time. Took seven months to get a tenant out with kids. If alone see TSC's comment.

    thanx for your ans, need to find proof of law / hate to do it to them (landlords) but i'm a single dad w/5 great kids at home ( mom got new boobs and found more fun things to do) and need to get a few $ togather to get in a place / lower mo. pament thanx again !!!!!
    ed shank

    Good luck.

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