    What attracted you to your wife/husband/partner ?

    +10  Views: 2432 Answers: 22 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: love

    22 Answers

    I know my wife since the age of five. I always liked her. At age 11, I beat her up, when she told my friends that she was going to marry me. The rest is history.
    My husband's voice, the way he speaks, very authoritative, not scary, but, with confidence!

    OMG thats what I got attracted to as my hubby is from Newcastle and we call it a georgie accent woman go mad for the accent and it did for me lol
    For me, besides the tall, dark, and handsome stuff... he understood me. my family was going through some very difficult times, and he was always there for me, and now its almost 40 yrs later and he's still hanging in there. We have a huge amount of respect for each other. But the biggest thing for me is trust. I know that no matter what, I can always trust him. He has never let me down.
    At first sight it was that smile.. It still makes me weak... But just the way he moved so gentle with his touch...
    On our first night out for a meal after some small talk I looked accross the table and our eyes met. She smiled at me and that was that. I was in love. I still see the same look many years on. So my answer was her eyes. ahhhh
    ed shank

    You lucky old coot you.

    Thanks ed. I have nice eyes
    ed shank

    I'll take your word on that. They look closed. I know, your checking your eyelids for cracks.
    Her smile. Lit up the room.
    certainally was not the money. it was thoose baby blue eyes staring me in the face and a heart stiring me in the heart... her killer looks and body had nothing to do with it....mmmmmmmmmm
    We just knew what the other was thinking and agreed with each other, soul mates I guess altho I don't like that term.
    She was the first woman I had seen for two months and she had been divorced for 6months and recently released from a mental hospital. We got along great. I was on the run from the effects of taking down AT&T monopoly for the CIA and talked about it to the press. Two wild and crazy people paranoid and convincingly delusional on both sides. We immediately choose not to have kids and fell madly in love.

    Perfect couple?

    My wife is a VERY beautiful woman, nice body and a down to earth person. She is really intelligent, witty, very beautiful smile and dreamy dark brown eyes. All those things caught my eye and she's my best friend. O yeah she has a very nice personality.

    For me it was his confidence, plus I was attracted to him. Mainly, he tried to impress me, which I really liked.... 20 years later!
    The body! Oh yes the body! And that little black skirt.WOW!!!

    It was my Husbands Voice he is from Newcastle and they call his accent Geordie accent and thats what did it for me still love it after all these years I like it when he calls me pet

    Really nice FEP.................Future Earning Potential
    Her heart, good and innocent. Her characters, talented and devoted. Her lips, silky and sexy. Her body, curvy and gorgeous....
    His confidence and determination to make me all his,I played hard to get for a while,his patience blew me away,after all that effort I had to give in.LOL :)

    Her soft eyes and her gentle touch.

    His intelligence.

    The guy I was married to worked in the same building I did, in an office at the other end of the hall. I would see him in the cafeteria during breaks and lunch (we had the same break/lunch times). He had a gray "worker-man" lunchbox and always had something to eat at those three times. It was like the thing was bottomless.  To make matters more curious, he was rather slender.  He sat by himself and had a sereneness about him.  One day I just walked up and asked him if he had anything in that lunchbox for me.  We became friends and about a year later actually started dating. (In answer to the love at first sight question.....not me).

    His sense of humour for sure. We'll be married 37 years this Nov. and he still makes me laugh!

    I can't   say what it is  but when  I saw   I was  captavated by her  totally.  however   5 yrs later  I realized I was  just fooling myself.

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