    how do i photo copy and attach

    i mean scan and attach

    0  Views: 514 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago

    4 Answers

    Scan your documents, then click on save button and save in the drive and folder you choose, then close it. Go to email and type address and body of letter, then click on underlined "Add attachment, and browse through choices of: drives, folders, and files that come up. Find where you saved it, click until you get to what you want. To double check yourself that you have chosen the right document, hit "Open attachment" button. Hit close and send. It's been awhile for me since I've had to do this...but hopefully this will get you started. Hope this helps!
    If all else fails, maybe you can just create a cover letter and fax it too.
    I assume you are trying to attach a scanned copy to an email:
    I also assume you have a scanner and are using a windows system:
    Click ... Start ... all programs ... accessories ... paint:
    In Paint, click ... file ... from scanner ... chose scanner:
    Click ... Color Picture then scan:
    Save result to your computer (it will probably be saved in your Pictures file). Then attach it to your email.
    im trying to send an email with a copy of my licence but dont know how.i have a lap top.

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