    why ppl so fake these dayss

    0  Views: 343 Answers: 3 Posted: 13 years ago

    3 Answers

    You need to surround yourself with some different people. I would say that many people are experiencing some difficulties especially when it comes to finances. I see less snobbery now than in good times. Foreclosures, bankruptcies, stocks being down, are if anything humbling many people.
    There are a lot of genuine "non fake" people out there it is just that the "fake" tend to be more to the forefront and so more noticed.
    We had the misfortune in Queensland to lose one of our policemen, shot in the face with a shot gun on the Gold Coast.
    He left a wife and a 2yr old and 4mth old and an appeal to help them raised over a quarter of a million dollars in 48 hrs.

    Thousands attended his funeral today 7th June, people who never knew him cried at the stupid loss.
    Flags flew at half mast, including my own, why? because we care.

    You could ask another group of people what they felt about it and you would probably get "Pity more of the so and sos didn`t go with him.

    Yes mookie poo there are fakes but by crikey they are out numbered by the "real" and that is why I related that sad story about how a man dedicated to the safety of others lost his life.
    Some people are fake because they don't have enough belief in themselves.

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