2 Answers
Plantar Fasciatis is the fibrus tissue/fat bits under the heel and soles, they can be bruised following a hard landing, or poor walking pattern often following wearing too flat a shoe with no support. The Calcaneus, the heel bone can fracture following a fall from a great height onto a hard surface, but most common is bad trainers, ie not giving enough cushioning. Go see GP or chiropractor if it persists.
13 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I've got PF myself, it is extremely painful and very easy to make better but not totally cure. I have to wear a special boot brace when I sleep (only when it is acting up and hurts). It keeps my foot flat instead of letting it turn downwards while it is relaxed. This keeps the muscle on the bottom of the foot straight. It's this muscle that goes from being relaxed and loosed to being straight and tense like when you step down on the floor, that causes the pain. The pain gets worse as the day goes on and your walk around more.
Shots of cortisone will help temporarily but I wouldn't recommend them unless it's an emergency. They also hurt like hell as the injection must go into the muscle.
Also, you need to get really good shoes (The Good Shoe Store) or sneakers, the sneakers need to be replace every 3 months or so because the rubber soles wear out and they need to stay stiff to give you the proper support.
My GP sent me to a podiatrist.
Shots of cortisone will help temporarily but I wouldn't recommend them unless it's an emergency. They also hurt like hell as the injection must go into the muscle.
Also, you need to get really good shoes (The Good Shoe Store) or sneakers, the sneakers need to be replace every 3 months or so because the rubber soles wear out and they need to stay stiff to give you the proper support.
My GP sent me to a podiatrist.
13 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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