    What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Cake Or Pie?

    I like chocolate cake, cheese cake, and key lime pie.

    +12  Views: 2064 Answers: 31 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: cakes pies

    31 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream
    Ms Sinclair

    That's the way I like to eat apple pie too.

    my wifes family puts a slice of cheese on it... i thought it was strange
    Ms Sinclair

    I've done that too, though not in a long time.

    i prefere my cheese in a
    Ms Sinclair

    Don't knock it till you try it.
    ole hipster

    I see and have seen a lot of people put a slice of American Cheese (usually) on their pie, usually apple pie...can't say as I'd do that though...must depend on where you're from or presently live daren1..(:
    Cheesecake and Blueberry Pie.
    Cherry pie.
    Pecan pie or cherry.
    Pecan pie, blueberry pie, cheesecake and then my Mom's apple pie.
    German chocolate for the cake & cherry for pie,but i would'nt turn any slice of pie down.Where's grandma at when you need her,man she made some fine pies.
    Cheesecakes, punchbowl cake, RUM cake and egg custards.

    Gave you a thumbs up, but only for the cheesecake, lol.

    Thanks my friend, you know I forgot key lime pie !!! I love sweets !!!!!
    Ms Sinclair

    Hi SG. I was wondering when you would turn up for this question. Actually, I had you in mind when I posted it. Never tried punchbowl cake but I like your other choices. Yummy.

    Hi Ms Sinclair, how have you been my friend? I'm happy you thought about me. Punchbowl cake IS WONDERFUL, it really taste good. I have a cousin that makes the best punchbowl cake ever. I'll see if she will give me the recipe, so I can give it to you. Remember the Bananas Foster Haagen-Dazs ice cream I told you about? Memorial Day weekend I found some at Wal-Mart and bought them ALL. I spent around $45 dollars on just that ice cream alone.
    Ms Sinclair

    I'm ok I guess. It hasn't been a good week for me. A friend of my mother's whom I also liked passed away and I also had to put my sick kitty to sleep but I'm doing alright. Hope everything is fine with you. You weren't kidding. You REALLY do like that Bananas Foster Haagen-Dazs don't you? If I see it in the store I must try it.

    Sorry to hear about both losses. I'm glad you're doing alright,if you need a friend to talk to I'm always available to talk and listen. Yes if you can find it, try the Bananas Foster, it's GOOD.
    Ms Sinclair

    Thanks SG.
    I once was eating a beautiful apple pie. It fell off the plate and onto the floor. I was so sad. It was my favorite. I started to sing. What song did I sing?.....Bye Bye American

    OK, that's cute. TU for you ;)

    everything about me is Thanks
    Ms Sinclair

    And you're so modest too (-:
    Cheescake, first of all...second, pecan pie....third, warm apple pie ala mode...Ms Sinclair you're making me VERY hungry! (:
    Ms Sinclair

    LMAO. I'm making myself hungry too.
    Red Velvet cake with REAL cream cheese frosting and cheesecake.
    Ms Sinclair

    That sounds delicious. I like red velvet cake too.

    My mom swear there in no chocolate in Red velvet cake.. and she is a born and raised southern bell. I really irritates me.
    Lemon merangue pie with cream or custard.Ive got a craving now ARGHHHH.
    Ms Sinclair

    Lol. Sorry I made you so hungry.
    anything chocolate.
    Hey , Ms. Sinclair, are you a guy ?
    Ms Sinclair

    No. I am a woman. I'm an Alan Rickman fan. Hence, the Snape avatar (-:

    i'm an addict. i can't have any sweets at all. once i start, i can't stop. if someone gives me a box of see's chocolates (or any sweet item) i will have two pieces and take the remainder to a neighbor. if nobody is home, the chocolate goes down the drain.
    i'm not fat but if i didn't watch it i would be huge!

    itsmee.. I will send you my address.... I will give your sweets a good home.
    Rich dark chocolate cake, moist and fresh. Also I love cheesecake or almost any kind of pie, like cherry rhubarb.

    Tu for the Cheese cake

    Thanks, I forgot a giant scoop of vanilla ice cream. My favorite ice cream would be Breyer's Chocolate chip mint.
    There's nothing better than mom's or grandma's homemade cakes and pies. My mom used to make a GREAT chocolate cake. She made it on my birthday and , believe you me, I used to really look forward to it.
    Eating pie and cake is considered an offense in my home.. LOL partly because we get yelled at every time we grab a piece.

    I like Dutch apple pie but now that i am older I don't take to sweets much anymore..
    Italian cream cheese... German chocolate... and black forrest for cakes... Apple and Cherry for pie.. and You just cant get anything better than a good cobbler with vannila ice cream on it.
    Ms Sinclair

    Ooh yes! I forgot to mention peach or apple cobbler. It's one of my favs too.

    I wonder if it is a Southern thing.. I never ate cobbler in New England... But then again my mom didnt bake when I lived there. It is so good!
    Ms Sinclair

    A lot of black folks from the South make it here. I live in N.Y.C.

    Are you black???? Or are you getting soul food from your friends???? Those are the kind of friend to have!!! Soul food is good to you.
    rhubarb pie with ice cream
    Ms Sinclair

    Can't say I care much for rhubarb but thumbs up for contributing anyway.
    Big thick creamy coconut creme pie and very cold glass of milk mmmmmmm!
    Carrot cake and blackberry pie
    Very good question Ms, Sinclair.
    Ms Sinclair

    Never heard of that one. Sounds good though.

    Favorite pies-Banana cream,pecan,sweet potato with whip cream.Favorite Cakes- Milk chocolate frosting with yellow or chocolate cake.Yum Yum!:)
    choclate eclairs

    hi Marmite where you been !!!

    nice you noticed me missing been on holiday then came home and my father in law died quite suddenly.
    Lemon Cheese Cake and only when I make it I have a really good recipe if any one wants it
    ed shank

    If I could operate a stove I would love to have the recipe, but being the mental midget that I am, I lucked out on a good thing.

    Oh Ed its so easy I post it one day for you and you would have fun making it thanks Ed
    Tiramisu. with double espresso and a shot or two of sambuca.
    ed shank

    You had to go there.

    What's wrong with lubricants?
    Lemon Meringue Pie, but I'm not fussy if anyone wants to bring something else.
    carrot cake with cream cheese icing, cherry pie, mincemeat pie,too
    Ms Sinclair

    I like everything you mentioned except the mincemeat. Can't say I ever developed a taste for it but that's ok. That's one less fattening thing I have to worry about.
    hot apple pie with a slice of extra sharp cheddar cheese and old fation vanilla ice cream drizzled with straberry syrup on the ice cream......ya!
    red devils food cake and butterschoch[spelling wrong]...i wish we had spell check on this site..
    Ms Sinclair

    Don't you have a spell check on your computer? Mine is to the right of the Questions & Answers bar where it says "Tools".

    Chocolate Fudge Layer Cake, Chocolate Cream Pie

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