20 Answers
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
No problem on the thumbs up, good question, keep up the good work.
The age of a question is irrelevant . If I have the knowledge Ill answer it . If i have something constructive to say Ill jump in . I use spell check , and do my best to respond with a readable,concise,to the point response. Some people really need a kind word and just some sound advise. I worry sometimes about what I say ,so mostly I temper my words and remain silent if no good will come from what I say . Bill
13 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
13 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I'll answer any question I think I can and I have spell check. I depend on it, too........
13 years ago. Rating: 13 | |
Yvonne good question I will answer old and new as long as I know I have a bit of a answer no I dont use spell checker I wish I could but it means coming out of this site and then waiting to go back again and by then I have forgotton the word and how to spell it if anyone out there can help that would be great .................or why cant we have spell checker on this site that would be realy good Yvonne please ask them thanks x
13 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
I answer if I think I can help or have an opinion, doesn't matter how old the question if I have the time to go through them I do, I always use the spell check (since Colleen told me how) the spelling is often different to the way we here in Aus spell
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
Mostly new; occasionally old too - it's not easy to get to the good old ones because in spite of your moderator colegue opinion (forgive me coleen :)), my opinion is that there are way too many unanswered Qs that are jamming the akaQA traffic. The irony is that great majority of these Qs required an immediate answer and their requestors are like comets...
I use spell checker if only I type my answer in Word 1st; spell checker can get you in big trouble occasinally.
13 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
AT the top of the page under akaQA are unread notifications, mine reads 4695 that is a lot of questions. Some nights when the questions are a little lame i like to go back and answer some of these questions. As far as the spell checker goes i use it all the time, or most of the time, the answer or question is more inviting if the spelling is correct even thou it is an American spell checker.
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
If I know or think I know I'll answer spell checker have not got one
13 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Well, I would say that I don't answer really old ones, but this question is 7 months old and here I am! As far as spell checker, I am my own spell checkin' machine. Besides, I don't see anywhere on the site, or left click or right click that shows any way to spell check. And as you might have noticed, I sometimes answer a question with sincerity and at other times not. I'll help if I'm able and the person is requesting such, but if someone appears to be just acting silly or is being an arrogant jerk, I'll be silly or an arrogant jerk, right back atcha!! My comments are never meant to offend.....uh....my comments are USUALLY not meant to offend, except in the "arrogant jerk example". (Maybe this is too much information Yvonne57 but I DO like the sound of my own voice...uh....typing fingers.)
13 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Hi Yvonne57. This is the first time I have seen this question. It came up on the right side of my screen, with several other "answered" questions that might interest me.
To answer your first question: I do not go looking for old questions, nor do I go looking into specific profiles to find questions or answers from that member in order to add to the karma points for that person. Recently I answered another question from several months ago that turned up as yours did, and was asked to NOT answer old questions.
Do I use spell check? I guess I do, because if I misspell a word, it gets underlined in red. I'll go back and try to spell it correctly; usually I get it right the 2nd or 3rd time. I'm so OCD about spelling, if don't get it right, I'll get the dictionary or note in my answer that I'm not sure of the spelling.
13 years ago. Rating: 5 | |