    Just curious, how tall are you?

    health, height

    +9  Views: 1659 Answers: 29 Posted: 13 years ago

    Hey, Spaceghost: Your question had some fun and humor. Thanks!!!

    Thanks Pam, we need some fun and humor sometimes don't we ?


    29 Answers

    I am 5 feet, 4 1/2 inches!

    So if we were ever to go out shopping together, I'd have to reach all the stuff on the top shelf for you, lol
    ed shank

    5 Feet 4 1/2 inches of pure joy Ill bet. I have a similar size person in my house, not always filled with joy.

    I would appreciate it. LoL!

    @ed shank - Absolutely :-)

    You girls/guys are hilarious, Thanks all of you.

    Damn Pam, you get 3 upvotes just for saying how tall you are?? Wow, I think we've gotten too easy on giving out the karma here. Good thing we're not Gods, lmao.

    I'm special! thanks for your good sense of humor :-)

    @ Colleen - Spread the word, the little people have clout on this site. Have a great day :-)

    Eh, was just getting a chuckle at what people give thumbs up for. Yes, you are special, I'll not argue that at all! ;)

    You are special too!

    Very sweet of you Pamela, thanks...

    the pleasure is all mine...

    Hey girls/guys You're ALL special to me.....

    Thanks, are you :-)

    Colleen, You said " damn "!

    MCM I said it 3 years ago when it was allowed. You have said it today when it's not. Please do not do that.

    Colleen I too would need you - I am only 4ft 11 3/4 not to forget the last bit - always had a tall guy - I would bend down and get the stuff on the bottom shelf for you, lol

    Not very, that's Horton looking at us....


    Well, when I graduated they put me down as 6'1" last time I was at the Dr. they said 5'9"
    Now I know I've shrank some but 4" seem like a lot. When I put my height down on something I put 6' 0" so take your pick.

    If you keep shranking you will be my height, it seems to have a lot of benefits :-)

    Maybe if you put your head back up you'd be taller!!!
    Headless Man

    I'll bet that's
    Six foot,right on the button...Health ? Have'nt been to a dr. in over 30 years but i feel like crap,scared to go i guess.
    ed shank

    Big mistake many men make, not getting periodical check ups. I never had any qualms about going to the doctor, I don't like him sticking his finger in my butt, I do however feel a whole lot better leaving his office, knowing that all is good. Check yourself out, your worth every dime of it.

    Rick, quit smokin' and drinkin' too much coffee; and you'll feel better .
    i'm only 5foot 6 inches slighty overweight, still have my all my hair, natural brown no grey hairs yet though i should not have any hair. my brothers and father bald as a badger, must have something to do with the
    6 foot 1 inch. 198 LBS. 38 inch waist, size 12 shoe, still have most of my hair, gray of course. Mustache also gray. Glasses for reading only, perfect hearing.

    Hey ed, we have a lot in common, mustache salt and pepper, reading glasses etc.
    ed shank

    Hope that's all we have in common, my common sense is on vacation lately.

    Gosh Ed I could almost be your stuntman, lol. I am the same height, weight, shoe size, but only have a 32 inch waste. I suppose I could wear a baggy shirt in our next movie.
    ed shank

    32 waist, I thought you indulged in the nectar of the Gods?
    I'm 6'1" or 6'2", I probably have shrank a little because of the discs in my back are squished. So let me call it 6'1", just to be safe...

    Hey man sorry to hear the discs in your back, be safe my man. Thanks for your input.

    Thanks, I have been going to P.t., seems to be getting better slowly... appreciate the concern. Hope you are doing good as well.

    leeroy, wishing you a speedy recovery :-)

    I hope Pt continues to give you relief. Pain is a nerd.

    Thanks Pamela and Jenn, haven't seen this until now, but wanted to say thanks.

    sorry to here this Leeroy hope you have speedy recovery lol

    Thanks Mel, I have been better lately, but the problem comes and goes. As long as I have my scrips so I can sleep I am usually pretty good.
    I'm curious, want to see if we may have some GIANTS among us. I'm 6ft. 3 inches.
    Ok I am the stortest 5ft 1inch and size 3 shoes UK size 3 dress size 10 uk size 10 any more!!!requirements !!!

    Get shorty. lol!

    Ok Pamela you are only you are only 3 1/2 inches taller than me I will wear big heels! LOL

    With my high heels on i can make nearly 5ft11and a half inches,


    Try back brushing your hair a little, you might make the 6ft!

    Back to wearing the heels, huh Hector? I thought you quit that stuff?
    LOL...are we on a dating site?
    I'm not a giant.
    I'm 5'10 tall, 185lbs, 33 inches waist, long black slightly curly hair, black/brown eyes, very healthy, always in shape, sensitive and attractive. ;-)

    Do you need a date Schubee?

    What do you want to hear, yes or no?

    You girls/guys crack me up lmao. Hey so far I'm the tallest at 6ft. 3 in.

    Depends, what would your wife prefer to hear, lol
    I'm hardly a giant but have had to listen to people tell me how tall I am for being a 5'8" woman. I still do not feel overly tall. Not my fault others are so vertically challenged ;)

    Hello, my friend, you are pretty tall for a lady, but that's ok, like you said not your fault others are vertically challenged. Thanks so much.

    Missed the second part of your health is good. No major problems. Was up in a tree yesterday with a chainsaw cutting a broken liter out of it ;)
    ed shank

    Ahhh, Definitely my kind of woman. Climbs trees with chainsaw in hand. You go girl.

    5'101/2".Size 10 shoes.185Lbs.Grey hair.(What's left of it).Only got 9 fingers left but hey! I cope.

    All the usual complaints a normal 66 year old has.Yoy know...prostate problems.had one heart attack a coupla years ago but no sign of any further trouble with the old ticker.

    Natural left hander but was forced to use my right hand as a youngster.

    My PIN no is...Hahaha! just kidding.


    Tommy, do you use your left hand now ?

    For most things,except writing.
    5 feet 4 1/2 inches and fit. Slim, dark hair and blue eyes.

    6'2" without shoes. My weight is is a bit high @ 200 lbs. I'm planning to trim down to 190 lbs.



    Whats that in new money,i mean stones and onces,

    hector5559 - I thought you were old school - 14lbs to one stone.

    I am shorter than I was, I am down to 5' 8.5" (from 5'10").  I have a pronounced scoliosis, which seems to make me shorter as I age.  And normal old age shrinking added to that.  I hope I stay taller than grandkids for a while, so they can look up to me, as they mature.... 


    bustieone - good luck with the back - I have bulging discs from lifting - spondylosis, two failed epidurals, hugely painful. Everyone should be careful how they lift. Two major operations on both shoulders through lifting and ankylosing spondylosis. We did what was called the Australian Lift, probably not allowed these days, with the shoulders.
    5'7, 138, auburn red hair, greenish blue eye, fair but I have been sun kissed. Id give my measuremant because I am just not shy... but it is not that kind of site...LOL... I love al the tall guys on here. My brothers are all over 6 ft and my hubby is only 5'10. But he is a howse.

    Thanks Jenn, I speak for ALL the tall guys on this site, We LOVE you too !!!

    xoxox... you are always so good to me, Spacey.
    ed shank

    OK, enough of the ink blotch, lets see a flick.

    Well liquorice man I am your height 5` 6` I was 5 71/2` but have shrunk over the years of carrying th world on my shoulders.

    When I was a young bloke (is that true I used to be a young bloke) but I digress I was going out with a girl who was 6` 2, it was OK my mates put me "up to it"
    AW MAN, Now I'm short !!!! LOL. Thanks dwayne, You are the man. Thanks for the info.
    6'4" without shoes. All those animals droppings was like fertilizer, I guess! But that's life on a farm.
    Some time ago I was asked how tall I am and when I answered he replied" Hmm...didn't now they could pile shit that high";)
    5ft 5inches

    I like that, that's a good one.
    5 feet 9 1/2 185 LBS. Good health. Salt & Pepper. Non smoking
    5 feet and two inches!:)

    I am voting tu for you as you are only 1inch bigger than me

    Thanks for the tu melandrupert!:)
    5'3", good health,long hair getting to be a bit darker brown as I age then it will turn grey :), over weight (but losing), hazel/brown eyes, glasses and very happy!

    Where have you been lately Monkey?

    I'd like some of whatever she's drinkin' or smokin'

    5' 4" and a bit.

    country bumpkin

    Hey! That's my height. Give it back!

    Maybe not. Do you have "a bit"?
    country bumpkin

    I don't think so. LOL

    I'm taller than you-ou, I'm taller than you-ou...

    Hi, Shorty
    GOTCHA BY AN INCH IM 6-4 6-4.5

    5 foot  6, eyes of blue. Coochy coochy , coohcy coo   :-)


    OMG! I shrunk!!!! The nurse measured me and I made her redo it! I’m only 5 foot 6 1/2 inches. I used to be 5’7 1/2”. I’m only 56, where’d that inch go?




    Have you had your hair done recently?

    As a matter of fact, I did about 2 weeks ago. Getting ready for California!


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